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Live together, NSO and manual operations in mul...

June 24, 2020

Live together, NSO and manual operations in multi-vendor "growing brownfield"

NSO Developer Days 2020
Robots vs. human hands. How can humans manage devices alongside NSO? What happens when the topology changes drastically? How can NSO services work with abstract device roles rather than concrete device types? NTT shares some ideas and results from their NSO lab.


June 24, 2020

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  1. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. Live together,

    NSO and manual operations in multi-vendor "growing brownfield" Teruhisa Tajima H.Okui, F.Morifuji, S.Kimura NTT Communications NSO Developer Days 2020 @virtual, 24 Jun 2020
  2. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. Making Config

    in NSO 2 devices device config service config operator and/or outer system terminal, API template apply deploy (NED) ref count: how many reference by each line
  3. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ changing

    config outside of NSO • balance of impl. cost and effect ✓ to avoid impl. of exceptions ✓ to use limited function handmade NED • training of device operation, NSO development Our Usage of NSO 3 devices device config service config operator
  4. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ implement

    multi-vendor topology model using augment → can change topology after deployed NSO ◼ control ref-count using redeploy and reconcile → can do both manual config and NSO operation Our Key Benefits 4
  5. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ change

    topology drastically • due to circuit outage, increase bandwidth, etc. Our Use Case 5 A B C 1 2 3 4 A B C 1 2 3 4 5
  6. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. 1. pre-configuration

    of SW C and 5 2. change cable connections 3. post-configuration in NSO • clear interconnection interfaces • set ref-count Operation Steps 6 A B C 5 1 2 3 4
  7. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ need

    to sync connection ◼ sync step • modify service config • redeploy (no-networking) • sync-from • service discovery • redeploy • reconcile 3. Post-Config = NSO Maintenance 7 A B C 5 1 2 3 4 physical connection in CDB device config in CDB service config
  8. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ need

    to sync connection ◼ sync step • modify service config • redeploy (no-networking) • sync-from • service discovery • redeploy • reconcile 3. Post-Config = NSO Maintenance 8 A B C 5 1 2 3 4 physical connection in CDB device config in CDB service config
  9. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ need

    to sync connection ◼ sync step • modify service config • redeploy (no-networking) • sync-from • service discovery • redeploy • reconcile 3. Post-Config = NSO Maintenance 9 A B C 5 1 2 3 4 physical connection in CDB device config in CDB service config device config is out-of- sync
  10. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ need

    to sync connection ◼ sync step • modify service config • redeploy (no-networking) • sync-from • service discovery • redeploy • reconcile 3. Post-Config = NSO Maintenance 10 A B C 5 1 2 3 4 physical connection in CDB device config in CDB service config device config has incorrect ref-count
  11. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ need

    to sync connection ◼ sync step • modify service config • redeploy (no-networking) • sync-from • service discovery • redeploy • reconcile 3. Post-Config = NSO Maintenance 11 A B C 5 1 2 3 4 physical connection in CDB device config in CDB service config synced
  12. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ service

    model implementation • topology model • multi-vendor model using augment ◼ sync configuration between NSO <> devices • = how to resolve inconsistency • service discovery • redeploy & reconcile Approach 12
  13. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ service

    model implementation • topology model • multi-vendor model using augment ◼ sync configuration between NSO <> devices • = how to resolve inconsistency • service discovery • redeploy & reconcile Approach 13
  14. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ Test

    new feature, (inter-)operability, performance, etc. • “stable lab NW” is NOT our goal • our lab NW is DUT NW in sometimes ◼ NW’s main service: L2 VLAN in metro area • some packets through tunnel(L2VPN) ◼ 100+ SWs/RTs • AlaxalA • Brocade • Cisco • Juniper Our Lab’s Objectives, Service and Specs 14
  15. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ service

    config -> device config -> deploy Components to Develop Service 15 devices device config service config operator template apply deploy, sync-from (NED) service discovery service model
  16. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ physical

    connections How to Calc Path (1) 16 SW: A port: 10 SW: C port: 20 list testbed-physical-connection { key name; leaf name { tailf:info "Unique service id"; type string; } container down-side { leaf device-type { type common:device-type-down-side; } } container up-side { leaf device-type { type common:device-type-up-side; } } leaf disabled { type empty; } } typedef device-type { type enumeration { enum alaxala; enum junos; enum ios; enum brocade;
  17. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ endpoints

    := interface ports How to Calc Path (2) 17 SW: A port: 10 SW: C port: 20 list testbed-e2e-service { uses ncs:service-data; ncs:servicepoint testbed-e2e-service-servicepoint; key vlan; leaf vlan { mandatory true; type uint16 { range "1 .. 4094"; } } container endpoints { // for augment }
  18. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ equals

    to how to describe this one port in yang model ◼ patterns • augment • refer each vendor model directly • translate abstract model to vendor model How to Define Multi-Vendor Model 18 gigabitethernet 0/1 GigabitEthernet1/0/1 ge-0/0/1 TenGigabitEthernet 1/0/1 AlaxalA Cisco Juniper Brocade
  19. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ inject

    from each vendor model ◼ describe as each list-name and leaf-name ◼ pros: get cli suggest(complement), validation , can add model as another yang file when add new vendor ◼ cons: need to learn augment (but easy :-) Augment 19 container endpoints { // for augment } augment "/e2e:testbed-e2e-service/e2e:endpoints" { uses ios-endpoints; } grouping ios-endpoints { list ios { key "device interface"; leaf device { type leafref {...} } leaf interface { type leafref { path "deref(../device)...
  20. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. Example of

    Augment 20 teruhisa.tajima@ncs# show running-config testbed-e2e-service 1060 testbed-e2e-service 1060 endpoints alaxala s01x.akbu port-channel-64 port-mode trunk ! endpoints alaxala s01x.oki3 gigabitethernet-0/1 port-mode access ! endpoints ios s15c.note FastEthernet0/3 port-mode trunk ! endpoints junos d01j.akbu ae20 port-mode trunk ! endpoints junos s01j.oki1 ge-0/0/2 port-mode trunk
  21. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ service

    model implementation • topology model • multi-vendor model using augment ◼ sync configuration between NSO <> devices • = how to resolve inconsistency • service discovery • redeploy & reconcile Approach 21
  22. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ need

    to solve inconsistency If Change Device Config Manually 22 devices device config service config commit: A commit: A commit: A commit: B operator commit: C commit: C commit: C inconsistency
  23. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ hard

    to get diff between before/after topology • difficult to know what configuration to set If Change Topology Drastically 23 which config can be add or delete after topo. changed, rebuild service config from current config
  24. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ implement

    service discovery as actions Service Discovery 24 devices device config service config operator service discovery devices device s10c.tama config ios:interface GigabitEthernet1/0/24 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 1000 switchport trunk allowed vlan 2000 testbed-e2e-service 1000 endpoints ios s10c.tama GigabitEthernet1/0/24 port-mode trunk testbed-e2e-service 2000 endpoints ios s10c.tama GigabitEthernet1/0/24 port-mode trunk sync-from ref-count: 0 (hidden: 1)
  25. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ redeploy

    • make relationships between service and device config • each configs are independent if only service discovery Redeploy & Reconcile (set ref-count) 25 device config service config devices device s10c.tama config ios:interface GigabitEthernet1/0/24 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 1000 switchport trunk allowed vlan 2000 testbed-e2e-service 1000 endpoints ios s10c.tama GigabitEthernet1/0/24 port-mode trunk testbed-e2e-service 2000 endpoints ios s10c.tama GigabitEthernet1/0/24 port-mode trunk redeploy ref-count: 1 (hidden: 1)
  26. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ reconcile

    • clear relationships which made by sync-from • after reconcile, same status as deployed by NSO Redeploy & Reconcile (set ref-count) 26 device config service config devices device s10c.tama config ios:interface GigabitEthernet1/0/24 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 1000 switchport trunk allowed vlan 2000 testbed-e2e-service 1000 endpoints ios s10c.tama GigabitEthernet1/0/24 port-mode trunk testbed-e2e-service 2000 endpoints ios s10c.tama GigabitEthernet1/0/24 port-mode trunk reconcile ref-count: 1 (hidden: 0)
  27. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ use

    partial-sync-to/from? → definition of partial region is difficult if do partial-sync-from, also need to same discovery, redeploy and reconcile → sync-from whole config ◼ force to using NSO at all? → a few operations are too difficult to impl. in NSO → the most cases: operated by NSO and a few cases: operated by hand (and sync NSO) Other Methods 27
  28. Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. ◼ implement

    multi-vendor topology model using augment • can add new device, change topology easily ◼ control ref-count using redeploy and reconcile • operate by hands and by NSO at same time • avoid implementing difficult and rare situation Conclusion 28