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Long Wavelength Astronomy and Data Analysis

Long Wavelength Astronomy and Data Analysis

Presented at SoCal Python Meetup

Umut Yildiz

August 27, 2015

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  1. Who  am  I?              

                     Astrophysicist                                                                    &                                          Aspiring  Data  Scientist PostDoc:  Caltech/JPL,  Astrophysics   PhD:  Leiden  University,  Observatory   MSc:  Groningen  University,  Astronomy   BSc:  Ankara  University,  Astronomy   BCert:  University  College  London -­‐ Star  formation   -­‐ Astrochemistry     -­‐ Astroinformatics   -­‐ Big  Data
  2. 3 •Stars...  we  are  stardust... •Where  do  they  come  from?

      •How  did  they  form? •How  many  of  them,  is  there  an  end? Questions,  Questions,  Questions
  3. •Soğuk've'karanlık'molekül'bulutlarını'gözlemek'için' uzun'dalga'boyları'kullanılır'(IR,'mm>altı,'mm,'radyo). Gözlemsel'Yöntemler Rotasyonel' Titreşim' •Molekül'Çizgileri'(Rotasyonel've'titreşim'geçişleri) Kısa'''''''''''''Toz'Parçacığı'''''''''''''''Uzun How  do  we

     see  beyond  dust? Observing  cold  and  dark    regions  with  IR,  sub-­‐/mm,  radio Short                                                  Dust  Particle                                                        Long Rotational                                                                                                      Vibrational
  4. SMT  10m APEX  12m CCAT  25m* ALMA   64x12m SPT

     10m HEAT   0.64m SOFIA  2.5m STO  0.8m Herschel  3.5m Space  THz   Mapper   0.5m*
  5. O2 Abundance  of  Oxygen Yıldız  et  al. Theoretical Observed 7x10-­‐5

    6x10-­‐9 in  Star  Formation NASA Press Release, 2013
  6. Square  Kilometer  Array The  data  collected  by  the  SKA  in

     a  single  day   would  take  nearly  two  million  years  to  playback   on  an  ipod.   -­‐  Full  operation:  700  TB  data/second!!! The  SKA  will  be  so  sensitive  that  it  will  be   able  to  detect  an  airport  radar  on  a  planet   tens  of  light  years  away. The  SKA  central  computer  will  have  the   processing  power  of  about  one  hundred   million  PCs.
  7. Square  Kilometer  Array The  dishes  of  the  SKA  will  produce

     10   times  the  global  internet  traffic. The  SKA  will  use  enough  optical   fibre  to  wrap  twice  around  the  Earth! The  aperture  arrays  in  the  SKA   could  produce  more  than  100  times   the  global  internet  traffic.
  8. -­‐  Temperatures  above  2.7  Kelvin   -­‐  Medical  Imaging  

         -­‐  Better  than  X-­‐ray  for  detecting   cancer  cells So,  what  about  real  life? -­‐  3D  teeth  imaging   -­‐  THz  Tomography   -­‐  Body  Scanner  at  the  airports
  9. -­‐  Temperatures  above  2.7  Kelvin   -­‐  Medical  Imaging  

         -­‐  Better  than  X-­‐ray  for  detecting   cancer  cells So,  what  about  real  life? -­‐  3D  teeth  imaging   -­‐  THz  Tomography   -­‐  Body  Scanner  at  the  airports
  10. So,  what  about  real  life? -­‐ Camera  for  drones,  not

     affected   from  cloud  or  dark   -­‐ High  Altitude   Telecommunication,  especially   where  the  water  vapor   absorbs  the  signal;  e.g.,   airplanes  to  satellites   -­‐ Camera  for  airplanes  to  see   beyond  foggy  or  cloudy   conditions