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Accessibility Mythbusting

Accessibility Mythbusting

Debunking many of the most prevalent myths around web accessibility. Originally created for WDCNZ 2013 in Wellington, NZ.

Nic Steenhout

July 25, 2013

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  1. Definition Web Accessibility: The inclusive practice of making websites usable

    by everyone, regardless of ability or disability. @vavroom #a11y #wdcnz
  2. Lots and Lots of Myths • More than can be

    discussed in 30 minutes! • Will cover as many as possible • Longer list will be posted on accessibility.net.nz @vavroom #a11y #wdcnz
  3. Accessibility is Sole Responsibility of Developers • Developers • Designers

    • Content Managers • Site Owners • User Agents • Legislators • Educators • End Users @vavroom #a11y #wdcnz
  4. Accessibility is Expensive • Some cost to learn skills •

    HTML is HTML • No more expensive if included at start @vavroom #a11y #wdcnz
  5. Accessible Sites Are Boring or Ugly • Text-only != accessible

    • Historical – old tech vs new tech • Beautiful, media rich, interactive, accessible • CSS Zen Garden @vavroom #a11y #wdcnz
  6. Accessibility is Only for Few People • No metrics for

    visitors with disabilities • Not just disability • Numbers game @vavroom #a11y #wdcnz
  7. Accessibility Does Not Apply to my Site / Product /

    System • Never know who uses a product • User without a disability may acquire disability • Family / Friends • People with disabilities participate in ALL aspects of life. @vavroom #a11y #wdcnz
  8. Accessibility is Just for the Blind • Vision • Hearing

    • Physical / Mobility • Learning / Cognitive • Neurological • No Disability @vavroom #a11y #wdcnz
  9. Disabled People Don’t Use the Net • No reason NOT

    to use the net – Except non-accessible sites! • Online shopping vs in-store shopping • Online, nobody sees you have a disability @vavroom #a11y #wdcnz
  10. Only Experts Can Do Accessibility • Most techniques easy to

    implement • Basic knowledge of tools required @vavroom #a11y #wdcnz
  11. Machine Testing is Good Enough • Not everything can be

    programmatically checked • Not all automation tools check all issues • Good starting point @vavroom #a11y #wdcnz
  12. Accessibility – All or Nothing • Some accessibility features ==

    better than nothing • Implement as much as you can @vavroom #a11y #wdcnz
  13. WCAG Compliance Ensures Access • No guideline can cover all

    possible issues • Changing technologies • Common barriers • Heck of a good start @vavroom #a11y #wdcnz
  14. Asking a Blind Friend to Test is Good Enough •

    User level of experience • User specific technology • Accessibility isn’t only about vision issues • Engage proper user testing – e.g. Knowbility @vavroom #a11y #wdcnz
  15. Can Add-On Accessibility Later • Reliance on 3rd Party add-ons

    • Building site in stages – Accessibility last • Accessibility is part of user experience @vavroom #a11y #wdcnz
  16. Accessibility is a Necessary Evil • SEO • Cost savings

    • Increased website use • Improved interoperability • Reduced server loads @vavroom #a11y #wdcnz