& Phil Splitter Website: Facebook: YouTube: Poison Rhythm Game Don't tap this one back Learn the first poison rhythm Start with 4 beats to a bar patterns including ta, ti ti and zaa, then tika, then syncopation Put sounds on bass, rim, or side of drum Play silence (rests) by tapping sticks The leader plays some of the written rhythms below or makes up their own to be echoed by the group At any time, the leader can play the poison rhythm Anyone that plays the poison rhythm back is OUT! Choose a new poison rhythm and new leaders Keep going until you get a final winner! Write your own poison rhythms using ta, ti ti and za First Poison Rhythm Explore - games Echoes, leaders, Q&A Introduce notation through rhythm cards - see notes Have a musical conversation through a call and response on the drums Call - play the rhythm of your name on your drum 'my name is Susie' Response - everyone responds with the rhythm of 'ashay ashay' from the song 'Funga Alafia' Name Game Rhythms Create an ostinato that everyone plays. Layer in the entries. Use cues such as dynamics, tempo, rumble, stop, play again, keep playing, grouping, wave, orbit See next page Ostinato with cues Pass the beat/ rhythm Each person takes it in turns to play one beat or rhythm around the circle