A tour de force of principles and methods for empirical product development. Joint talk with Björn Jensen. (Workshop at Gründungsworkshop Hannover, June 2013)
<customer> who <needs/is disappointed with> <product name> is a <product category> that <USP>. Unlike <main competitor(s)> it delivers <3-4 additional benefits>
on ask yourself: why? for whom? use the elevator pitch to state it write it down on a piece of flipchart paper put it on the walls around you timebox: 10 minutes
<customer> who <needs/is disappointed with> <product name> is a <product category> that <USP>. Unlike <main competitor(s)> it delivers <3-4 additional benefits>
collect facts & uncertainties write them onto sticky notes attach them to your elevator pitch group them around the pitch‘s elements timebox: 10 minutes