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Docker from basics to orchestration (PHPConfBr2015)

Docker from basics to orchestration (PHPConfBr2015)

Talk given at PHP conference Brasil 2015 about Docker

Wellington F. Silva

December 03, 2015

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  1. Credits Special thanks to all the people who made and

    released these awesome resources for free: ◎ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival ◎ Photographs by Unsplash & Death to the Stock Photo (license) ◎ Dark wood background by The pattern library
  2. Overview ◎ Environment Issues ◎ Virtualization ◎ LXC ◎ Docker

    ◦ features ◦ demo ◎ Machine ◎ Orchestration ◦ tools ◦ demo ◎ Swarm ◦ demo ◎ Q&A
  3. Environment Issues ◎ substr vs mb_substr functions ◎ short open

    tags: <?= ◎ syntax changes between versions: array(); e [];
  4. Environment Issues ◎ substr vs mb_substr functions ◎ short open

    tags: <?= ◎ syntax changes between versions: array(); e []; ◎ extensions that we forget to install in production: php-memcached, redis, amqp, etc.
  5. Environment Issues ◎ substr vs mb_substr functions ◎ short open

    tags: <?= ◎ syntax changes between versions: array(); e []; ◎ extensions that we forget to install in production: php-memcached, redis, amqp, etc. ◎ different upload file settings in different servers
  6. ◎ 1960 - inspired by cpu time sharing ◎ IBM

    370 - First instructions to support software virtualization, CP/CMS allow running more than one instance simultaneously Virtualization - History
  7. ◎ 1960 - inspired by cpu time sharing ◎ IBM

    370 - First instructions to support software virtualization, CP/CMS allow running more than one instance simultaneously ◎ IBM z/VM - First success case, all hardware were virtualized Virtualization - History
  8. ◎ 1960 - inspired by cpu time sharing ◎ IBM

    370 - First instructions to support software virtualization, CP/CMS allow running more than one instance simultaneously ◎ IBM z/VM - First success case, all hardware were virtualized ◎ until nineties only client/server applications Virtualization - History
  9. ◎ 1960 - inspired by cpu time sharing ◎ IBM

    370 - First instructions to support software virtualization, CP/CMS allow running more than one instance simultaneously ◎ IBM z/VM - First success case, all hardware were virtualized ◎ until nineties only client/server applications ◎ 2000+ - CPUs with virtualization support, hypervisors: VMWare, Xen, KVM, VirtualBox, etc Virtualization - History
  10. ◎ Standard environment ◎ Improve resources utilization ◎ Easy data

    recovery ◎ If host fails all VMs crashes together Virtualization - Pros & Cons
  11. ◎ Standard environment ◎ Improve resources utilization ◎ Easy data

    recovery Virtualization - Pros & Cons ◎ If host fails all VMs crashes together ◎ Troubleshooting more difficult
  12. ◎ Standard environment ◎ Improve resources utilization ◎ Easy data

    recovery Virtualization - Pros & Cons ◎ If host fails all VMs crashes together ◎ Troubleshooting more difficult ◎ Increase overhead
  13. LXC - Linux Containers ◎ Exists since Jul/2008 - Kernel

    2.6.26+ ◎ Process isolation ◎ Network isolation
  14. LXC - Linux Containers ◎ Exists since Jul/2008 - Kernel

    2.6.26+ ◎ Process isolation ◎ Network isolation ◎ Memory limitation
  15. LXC - Linux Containers ◎ Exists since Jul/2008 - Kernel

    2.6.26+ ◎ Process isolation ◎ Network isolation ◎ Memory limitation ◎ File system isolation
  16. LXC - Pros & Cons ◎ Good resources isolation ◎

    Run as a process, a single PID is created
  17. LXC - Pros & Cons ◎ Good resources isolation ◎

    Run as a process, a single PID is created ◎ Reuse host resources (libs, kernel)
  18. LXC - Pros & Cons ◎ Good resources isolation ◎

    Run as a process, a single PID is created ◎ Reuse host resources (libs, kernel) ◎ Starts much more faster than VMs
  19. LXC - Pros & Cons ◎ Volume share are difficult

    to do ◎ Good resources isolation ◎ Run as a process, a single PID is created ◎ Reuse host resources (libs, kernel) ◎ Starts much more faster than VMs
  20. LXC - Pros & Cons ◎ Volume share are difficult

    to do ◎ Architecture failure may lead to chroot attack ◎ Good resources isolation ◎ Run as a process, a single PID is created ◎ Reuse host resources (libs, kernel) ◎ Starts much more faster than VMs
  21. LXC - Pros & Cons ◎ Volume share are difficult

    to do ◎ Architecture failure may lead to chroot attack ◎ IO overhead ◎ Good resources isolation ◎ Run as a process, a single PID is created ◎ Reuse host resources (libs, kernel) ◎ Starts much more faster than VMs
  22. LXC - Pros & Cons ◎ Volume share are difficult

    to do ◎ Architecture failure may lead to chroot attack ◎ IO overhead ◎ Run on Linux hosts only ◎ Good resources isolation ◎ Run as a process, a single PID is created ◎ Reuse host resources (libs, kernel) ◎ Starts much more faster than VMs
  23. ◎ Portable ◎ Versionable ◎ Reusable ◎ Copy-on-write ◎ Logging

    ◎ Image change management Docker - Features
  24. ◎ Portable ◎ Versionable ◎ Reusable ◎ Copy-on-write ◎ Logging

    ◎ Image change management ◎ Automatic build Docker - Features
  25. ◎ Portable ◎ Versionable ◎ Reusable ◎ Copy-on-write ◎ Logging

    ◎ Image change management ◎ Automatic build ◎ Easy to share Docker - Features
  26. Docker - Features ◎ Private and public registry ◎ Server-client

    architecture ◎ Client consume engine API
  27. Docker - Features ◎ Private and public registry ◎ Server-client

    architecture ◎ Client consume engine API ◎ Orchestration tools (compose, swarm,volume networks)
  28. Docker - Features ◎ Private and public registry ◎ Server-client

    architecture ◎ Client consume engine API ◎ Orchestration tools (compose, swarm,volume networks) ◎ Always innovating
  29. Docker - Quick Tips ◎ It is a container not

    a VM ◎ Container images are like VM boxes
  30. Docker - Quick Tips ◎ It is a container not

    a VM ◎ Container images are like VM boxes ◎ Images are state, container runs it
  31. Docker - Install ◎ Follow instructions for your OS in

    http://docs. docker.com/installation
  32. Docker - Install ◎ Follow instructions for your OS in

    http://docs. docker.com/installation ◎ Several distros supported
  33. Docker - Install ◎ Follow instructions for your OS in

    http://docs. docker.com/installation ◎ Several distros supported ◎ Mac OS X and Windows needs a VM to act like a Docker host - Boot2docker
  34. Docker - Install ◎ Follow instructions for your OS in

    http://docs. docker.com/installation ◎ Several distros supported ◎ Mac OS X and Windows needs a VM to act like a Docker host - Boot2docker ◎ There is roadmap to run Linux container on FreeBSD host
  35. Docker - Install ◎ Follow instructions for your OS in

    http://docs. docker.com/installation ◎ Several distros supported ◎ Mac OS X and Windows needs a VM to act like a Docker host - Boot2docker ◎ There is roadmap to run Linux container on FreeBSD host ◎ Windows containers running on Windows hosts will be available on Windows Server 2016
  36. Docker - Beggining ◎ run ◎ pull ◎ commit ◎

    push ◎ exec ◎ ps ◎ images ◎ inspect ◎ rm ◎ rmi
  37. Docker - Improving ◎ Volume ◦ list, create, inspect ◎

    Port expose and port mapping ◎ Links between containers ◎ Network ◦ list, create,inspect, connect
  38. Docker - Machine ◎ Creates virtual machines ready to run

    docker locally or on the cloud. ◎ drivers available: ◦ Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Digital Ocean, Exoscale, Google Compute Engine, Microsoft Hyper-V, OpenStack, Rackspace, IBM Softlayer, Oracle VirtualBox, VMware vCloud Air, VMware Fusion, VMware vSphere and Generic
  39. Docker - Orchestration ◎ Docker Compose (Old FIG) ◦ Config

    file: docker-compose.yml ◦ Run: docker-compose up
  40. Docker - Orchestration ◎ Docker Compose (Old FIG) ◦ Config

    file: docker-compose.yml ◦ Run: docker-compose up ◎ Crane - http://getcrane.com ◦ Config file: crane.json or crane.yaml ◦ Run: crane lift
  41. Docker - Orchestration ◎ Docker Compose (Old FIG) ◦ Config

    file: docker-compose.yml ◦ Run: docker-compose up ◎ Crane - http://getcrane.com ◦ Config file: crane.json or crane.yaml ◦ Run: crane lift ◎ AZK - http://www.azk.io ◦ Config file: Azkfile.js ◦ Run: `azk agent start` and then `azk start`
  42. Docker - Orchestration ◎ Docker Swarm ◦ Orchestrate docker hosts

    ◦ supports schedulers and node discovery services
  43. Docker - Comming ◎ User namespaces ◎ Open Containers Initiative

    - by Linux Foundation: https://www.opencontainers.org/