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Promoting Open Innovations in Real Estate Tech:...

Promoting Open Innovations in Real Estate Tech: Collaborative Studies and Provision of Data Sets

Industrial Session of ABC/ICIEV/IVPR 2020 @ Kitakyushu

Kiyota Yoji, Ph.D.

August 27, 2020

More Decks by Kiyota Yoji, Ph.D.

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Promoting Open Innovations in Real Estate Tech: Collaborative Studies and

    Provision of Data Sets Yoji Ki yota , P h .D. P r i nc i pa l Inve st i gator, A I S t rate gy Di vi s i on, LIF U LL Co, Ltd. I n d u s t r i a l S e s s i o n , I C I E V / I V P R / A B C 2 0 2 0 A u g u s t 2 7 t h , 2 0 2 0 C o p y r i g h t © L I F U L L A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
  2. Services by LIFULL Group Japan’s largest real estate information listing

    site Various information services closely related to our lives (insurance, nursing homes, moving, etc.) One of the worldʼs largest aggregation sites (HQ: Barcelona, Spain)
  3. Major Issues on “Real Estate Tech” 1. Price estimation 2.

    Lack of comprehensive property databases 3. User understanding 4. Real world sensing and modeling
  4. AI Strategy Division in LIFULL • Formally called “Littel Laboratory”,

    founded as Littel Corporation, a startup from The University of Tokyo in 2007. • Focused on “Real Estate Tech” • Artificial Intelligence • User Interface / User Expericence • VR / AR / MR • Launched in 2018 as a business implementation organization for technology 1SPQFSUZ3FDPNNFOEFS "QQl)0.&`4)FZBTBLVz 73)PVTJOH4JNVMBUPS l(3*%73*$,z 1SPQFSUZ1SJDF&TUJNBUJPO4FSWJDF l-*'6--)0.&`413*$&."1z
  5. マスター タイトルの書式設定 • マスター テキストの書式設定 – 第 2 レベル •

    第 3 レベル –第 4 レベル »第 5 レベル Nara Institute of Science and Technology Ubiquitous Computing Systems Laboratory Nara Institute of Science and Technology Ubiquitous Computing Systems Laboratory IoT Sensing for Rental Property Comfort Index 10 Raspberry Pi Ø Sensor Ø Geateway Send data Mobile buttery Power Supply BLE Connection Environment Sensor Set outdoor Set indoor IoT Data Collection property Labeling by AI 7 million properties quietness Daylight Soundproofness Data Analysis Indexation
  6. Text mining on a call center for nursing home matching

    consultation advice facility information Tenant intruduction necessary medical services budget constraints Disagreements within the family Prof. Sozo Inoue (Kyutech) Dr. Moe Matsuki (formally Kyutech)
  7. 5.3 million records of real estate for rent in Japan

    • place (zip code, nearest railway station, etc.) • rent fee, area, age, room type, etc. • building structure (wooden, steel frame, reinforces concrete, etc.) 83 million photos 5.1 million floor plans • Data set provision started from November 2015 through cooperation with NII (National Institute of Informatics, Japan) • academic researchers can use the data set for free LIFULL HOME’S Data Set