the Arctic regions?” l A: “Polar bears inhabit the Arctic regions.” l NG: “Indigenous people inhabit the Arctic regions.” l 知識: ◦(bears, animal) ×(people, animal) n 従来⼿法 l Path-based Method:依存構造を⽤いた⼿法 l Distributional Method:分散表現を⽤いた⼿法 3
n PATTY [Nakashole et al., 2012]は単語の置換によって依存 構造の⼀般化を⾏なった “X corporation is a Y” → “X NOUN is a Y” “X is defined as Y” → “X is VERB as Y” Ø ⼀般化しすぎてもよくない (1) “X is defined as Y” ≈ “X is described as Y“ (2) “X is defined as Y” != “X is rejected as Y” 6