Andrea (@blake83)

42 Follows

Antonio Peric-Mazar


CEO at @locastic. Helping clients grow their online business and build amazing mobile and web apps. Truly Entrepreneu...

2 followers 23 decks

Romaric Drigon


Software engineer, based in Switzerland.
Specialized in web development, and especially Symfony framework. Certified...

2 followers 10 decks

Jeremy Lindblom


Jeremy is a principal software engineer at GoDaddy; a co-organizer of the Arizona PHP User Group (@azPHP); and a fath...

2 followers 32 decks

Enrico Zimuel


Enrico Zimuel is a software developer since 1996. He works as Senior PHP Engineer at Zend Technologies, in the Apigil...

1 follower 23 decks

Tugberk Ugurlu


speaks at tech conferences, occasionally blogs, authored a book once, does Software Engineering things at Deliveroo, ...

2 followers 46 decks

Bernhard Schussek


Bernhard is a software developer who's passionate about Symfony since the early days. He is fascinated by simple soft...

2 followers 9 decks

Justin Yost


Justin is a Lead Software Engineer with Wirecutter working on building out a REST API and client app that powers the ...

2 followers 31 decks

Rob Allen


Author of a popular Zend Framework Tutorial & the book Zend Framework in Action

Find me:
* ...

3 followers 61 decks

Fabien Potencier


Fabien Potencier discovered the Web in 1994, at a time when connecting to the
Internet was still associated with the...

30 followers 25 decks

Bastian Hofmann


Bastian is a Field Engineer at Rancher, the leading solution to manage Kubernetes clusters in multiple environments a...

3 followers 102 decks