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SVA Class #2

Nate Bolt
November 21, 2011

SVA Class #2

Nate Bolt

November 21, 2011

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  1. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! "#$%&!'()*(!+),-../.0!12345+3*6!0.7)8-!19/-)49/.!34!311,/03:2.!+/)*.7&!)7!-,'!4(.!',/20;7! 23/8.74!19/-)49/.!/.43)2./<!=,'303>7&!"#$%!-,4!,-2>!/.+/.7.-47!311,/03:2.&!8,,0!?932)4>! 19/-)49/.&!:94!327,!8/..-&!2,'5'374.&!@,0./-!2)A)-8!74>2.<! ! "-)4)32!B/,4,4>+.!,1!"#$%! "#$%!!1,9-0./&!"-8A3/<!#3@+3/30!'37!:,/-!)-!7@322!A)2238.!,1!7,94(./-!C'.0.-<!D(.-!(.!'37! 7.A.-&!(.!'37!/)0)-8!3!:)*>*2.!4,!7.22!@34*(.7!4,!-.)8(:,/7<!!E.!1,9-0!(.!*,920!83)-!8/.34!

    +/,1)47!4(/,98(!:9>)-8!23/8.!?93-4)4>!@34*(.7!34!3!A./>!2,'!+/)*.!)-!C4,*6(,2@!3-0!4(.-! /.43)2)-8!4(.@!34!3!*(.3+!+/)*.<!!E.!300.0!+/,09*47F!8/..4)-8!*3/07&!12,'./!7..07&!G(/)74@37! 0.*,/34),-7!3-0!,4(./!)4.@7&!'()*(!(.!*,920!8.4!34!2,'!+/)*.<!!D(.-!(.!'37!HI!3-0!*,@+2.4.0! 7*(,,2&!()7!134(./!/.'3/0.0!()@!')4(!3!@,-.43/>!8)14<!!#3@+/30!4,,6!4(.!@,-.>!3-0!97.0!)4!4,! 1,9-0!"#$%<! ! J234!B3*6!"0.3! Monday, November 21, 2011

  3. Quicktime as a concept was first started by Joy Mountford

    when she began working at Apple. She felt the current computers at Apple were boring, and seemed limited only to doing paperwork (excel spreadsheets, writing documents, etc.). Joy envisioned a future for computers where there could be multimedia documents (sound, pictures, movies), and a computer could create an experience not found in paperwork. Things really started when she met Mike Mills from ICP and convinced him to come work at Apple too. He had a particular interest in time, and how this related spatial-events. Together, they began prototyping a tool that would be able to play “video” across the Mac platforms. The early work they called Dicons, for “dynamic icons”. These were placed within written articles, helping to illustrate the text. The team spent a lot of time considering the tools of the video playing software. They had to create new metaphors in icon form showing how to skip, play, stop, etc a video. One of the early failures was a hand icon that would appear, and could be manipulated to “grab” a certain video time and move it. Although it seemed to make perfect sense to the designers, people testing it were put off by the appearing hand. People were not yet used to the anthropomorphizing of computer interfaces. Joy and Mike worked continually to keep the simplistic vision of the video playing software cohesive amongst the designers and many engineers working on it. Quicktime first shipped in fall 1991. Sarah Adams | Nov 14 2011 Monday, November 21, 2011
  4. Commodore 64 The Commodore 64 is an 8-bit home computer

    introduced by Commodore International in 1982. During the C64’s lifetime, sales totaled between 12.5 and 17 million units, making it the best-selling single personal computer model of all time. It is sometimes compared to the Ford Model-T for its role in bringing a new technology to middle-class households via creative mass- production. In 1981, realizing a majority of both Apple and Atari’s markets were in home computing, Tramiel decided to make the leap. He wanted to create a color computer that cost under $300, which became a reality in the VIC-20. The VIC-20 brought together the 6502 and 5K of RAM, with the MOS VIC chip which generated a whopping 20 columns of color display and output a small amount of sound. A smashing success, the machine positioned Commodore International as the most popular Monday, November 21, 2011
  5. Electric guitar ampli ers started life in the early 1930s

    with the modest goal of increasing acoustic guitar volume. e tone would o en distort as the volume exceeded ampli er capability, leading to an ‘overdriven’ sound. Also prevelant in old or broken equipment, this tonal quality was seen as a defect by manufacturers. In the 1950s, rock guitarists started exploring this emerging sonic landscape by intentionally damaging their equipment. In the early 1960s, Dave Davies, lead guitarist of e Kinks, famously achieved the distorted tone on “You Really Got Me” by slashing the cones of his ampli er with a razor blade. In 1960, Glen Snoddy stumbled upon a similar audio quality when recording on a broken mixing desk. With the introduction of the electronic transistor, Snoddy realised the time was ripe for capitilising on this defect and pitched the idea of a portable ‘fuzzbox’ to Gibson. ey agreed and in 1962 the Maestro FZ-1 Fuzz Tone was launched in America, giving guitarists the ability to turn on distortion at will. In 1965, the Rolling Stones released “Satisfaction”, which brought distortion pedals into the mainstream. e Distortion Pedal A Research Story by Tom Harman November 14th, 2011 Monday, November 21, 2011
  6. Joonseo Bae Research Method 11/14/11 3Mʼs Post-it Notes One of

    the most loved and widely used office supplies, 3Mʼs post-it notes, was once considered to be a failure. In 1970, Spencer Silver, a 3M researcher, was trying to invent a strong adhesive product, but it turned out to be a failure for the product was too weak. Four years later, Silverʼs colleague, Arthur Fry, was in search for a weak adhesive that can attach papers together, but wonʼt damage the papers when pulling them off and re-attach on other papers. Fry was not sure if this could be a successful product or not, so he got a permission to have a market research on this product, which came out to be positive. Since then 3M has developed many products based on this post-it notes which at first was a failure, yet turned out to be the companyʼs most successful product ever. Monday, November 21, 2011
  7. Waiting in line feels frustrating, demoralizing, agonizing, time consuming...and, to

    the Imagineers at Disney World, waiting detracts from the overall experience and costs money. To solve this problem Disney utilized research analysis from a mathematical perspective as well as BQTZDIPMPHJDBMPOFtɨFëSTUBOBMZTJT  the physics of queuing, helped approximate UIFMFOHUIPGUIFXBJU4QFDJëDBMMZ BSSJWBM times ( ) or the time between arrivals is used in an equation with the service rate(µ), the time for an arrival to be serviced. Tw = ( / µ(µ – )) to calculate wait time. The second analysis utilized psychology as a means of explaining the OFHBUJWF FNPUJPOBM SFTQPOTF UP XBJUJOH JO MJOFT ɨF research can be distilled into seven causal relationships: 1. Unoccupied time feels longer than occupied time. 2. Process-waits feel longer than in-process waits. 3. Anxiety makes waits seem longer. 4. Uncertain waits seem longer than LOPXO ëOJUFXBJUT6OGBJSXBJUTBSFMPOHFSUIBOFRVJUBCMFXBJUT ɨFNPSFWBMVBCMFUIFTFSWJDF UIFMPOHFSUIFDVTUPNFSJTXJMMJOH UP XBJU  4PMP XBJUT GFFM MPOHFS UIBO HSPVQ XBJUT t ɨF SFTVMUJOH solution combines the research into an improved system for queueing called FastPass. FastPass return system which allows riders to check in with a card to begin their wait virtually. It gives a set time to return to the queue after enjoying other services, food concessions, etc. In addition, for rides with or without FastPass, riders are informed of their wait times in advance, to lower their uncertainty. All lines seem shorter with added entertainment, videos and character skits. Monday, November 21, 2011
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onday, November 21, 2011
  9. At the beginning of 2000, Ulstein Group started a design

    innovation project challenging traditional solutions and conventions. Drawing on decades of ship design experience, a new bow concept slowly emerged on paper. The design team at Ulstein Group wanted to break with the traditional hull and started explorations around an inverted shape. Engineers in the company calculated how the waves would brake and how reduced slamming could bene t speed and fuel consumption. Still, without having a full scale model, Ulstein Group wasn’t able to predict these improvements with a satisfying level of certainty. They met scepticism from other people in the marine industry who assumed that the hull design would cause spray and not serve as intended. Ulstein Group believed in their revolutionary design and made a small model of a vessel with the new hull shape and brought it up to the Norway’s only pool for ship models (MARINTEK). With the help of the basins, one can simulate wind, waves and currents, and one can test models of new vessel types before actually commencing construction of the vessels. Together with a expert research team, they facilitated different weather conditions and noted how the hull responded to them. The greatest signi cant wave height in the model tests at MARINTEK was six meters, corresponding to a wave height of 11 meters in real life. The surprisingly good test results convinced Bourboun Offshore to sign a contract with Ulstein Group and the rst vessel with the X-bow design saw the light of day in 2005. Since then, Ulstein Group has done further testing on incorporating the X-bow into other vessels than AHTS and platform supply vessels. Results have lead to new designs within construction, rescue, and seismic vessels, as well as into the heavy offshore and short-sea shipping segments. Testing of the full scale vessels in the North Sea has con rmed the results from the MARINTEK tests and the X-bow has proved to ensure a 7-16% fuel reduction and an average improvement in speed loss of 19%. ULSTEIN GROUP: a research story // RESEARCH METHODS ASSIGNMENT #1 by guri venstad Monday, November 21, 2011
  10. When I’m asked to name what I think is one

    of the “best (digital) inventions”, aside from Gmail, another products comes to mind: the small giant, Instapaper. Instapaper was developed around 2007 as a side project by then-Tumblr developer Marco Arment. Like many developers, he made things not primarily to sell, but to address a need he himself had. Marco had a long train commute everyday, and the problem he noticed was: He never knew what to read on the train, but he’d find stuff all day at work that he never had time to read. He made Instapaper for himself to time- shift articles from the work day to his commute. What’s so great about this application is that it’s a very simple cross-platform solution to a very specific cross-platform problem. I save something through my work desktop browser to read later on my iPhone Instapaper app, or even later when I get home on my desktop or iPad. I love the simple bookmarklet that allows me to slash all my once-uncloseable browser tabs. Marco just used the product himself for the next couple months, without telling anyone about it. After showing it to a couple friends, who then started raving about it after using it for only a couple weeks, he realized he was on to something viable. In testing new features, Marco prototypes it, evaluates his own experience of it, includes the things that work well, and scraps the ones that don’t. I hear the phrase “You are not the user” a lot, but I’m not sure exactly what that means because in this case, Marco was very much his own user. NIKKI SYLIANTENG NOV. 14, 2011 A RESEARCH STORY RESEARCH METHODS Monday, November 21, 2011
  11. Excercise: Behavioral Observation Basics •Participant Make a chair out of

    paper with four legs. Just your hands. Points for style. •Facilitator Turn your back to the participant. NO PEEKING •Observer(s) take notes on the moderator and the participant but no talking Monday, November 21, 2011
  12. Excercise: Remote Observation •Participant Design a chair with four legs

    using anything on the computer •Facilitator Watch •Observer(s) Take note of what happens with the moderator and the participant Monday, November 21, 2011
  13. Excercise: Remote Observation •Participant Make a chair out of paper

    with four legs. Just your hands. Points for style. •Facilitator Turn your back to the participant. NO PEEKING •Observer(s) take notes on the moderator and the participant but no talking Monday, November 21, 2011
  14. Conceptual For A Long Time Self-Moderated Moderated Web Analytics Automated

    Static Automated Live Monday, November 21, 2011
  15. Tasks On Concepts For A Long Time People Talk To

    A Machine Talk To People Fancy-Ass Analytics Tasks On Images Tasks On A Live Site Monday, November 21, 2011
  16. I.A. & Navigation For Ad Agencies Ammunition Insight Just Better

    Analytics Still More Ammunition More Ammunition Monday, November 21, 2011
  17. Conceptual For A Long Time Self-Moderated Moderated Web Analytics Automated

    Static Automated Live Deep Behavioral UX Insight Monday, November 21, 2011
  18. Opinions Conceptual For A Long Time Self-Moderated Moderated Web Analytics

    Automated Static Automated Live Monday, November 21, 2011
  19. Ad Agencies Love It Conceptual For A Long Time Self-Moderated

    Moderated Web Analytics Automated Static Automated Live Monday, November 21, 2011
  20. Jared Spool Hates It Conceptual For A Long Time Self-Moderated

    Moderated Web Analytics Automated Static Automated Live Monday, November 21, 2011
  21. Jared Spool Hates It Conceptual For A Long Time Self-Moderated

    Moderated Web Analytics Automated Static Automated Live Monday, November 21, 2011
  22. Control what you can control Which is, your set up.

    You wouldn’t go backpacking without checking your gear. Do it 24 hours in advance. Or else. Monday, November 21, 2011