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Static Sites with Jekyll and GitHub Pages

Static Sites with Jekyll and GitHub Pages

These are the slides from a workshop I gave at Converge (https://converge.cx) in Glasgow on the 15th of August, 2014.

Coby Chapple

August 15, 2014

More Decks by Coby Chapple

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Database Wordpress / Drupal / Rails Package management Themes, plugins

    Server-side Processing PHP / Ruby / Python etc. Content Management Systems HTML CSS JAVASCRIPT Your content Browser
  2. Using a CMS is often Not Fun™ • Backups of

    content • Framework updates • maintenance, security • Learning curve isn’t really reduced
  3. Database Wordpress / Drupal / Rails Package management Themes, plugins

    Server-side Processing PHP / Ruby / Python etc. Content Management Systems HTML CSS JAVASCRIPT Your content Browser
  4. HTML
 Templates Static Site
 Generator Static Site Generators HTML CSS

    JAVASCRIPT Your content Browser Regular Files version control (YAY!)
  5. Ingredients: • A computer • Ruby • Optional: rbenv or

    RVM (not covered) Building a site with Jekyll
  6. • One per GitHub account • Repository: <username>.github.io • Branch:

    master • URL: <username>.github.io User/Org Pages
  7. • One per repository • Repository name does not matter

    • Branch: gh-pages • URL: <username>.github.io/<repository name> Project Pages
  8. • Specify domain in CNAME file
 in root directory of

    repository. • Custom domain on User Page repository
 will cascade to all Project Pages. BYO Domain Names

    ALREADY Step 3. Deploy to GitHub Pages
  10. Handy tricks language: ruby rvm: - 2.1 script: bundle exec

    jekyll build install: bundle install .travis.yml
  11. ! --- --- <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url={{ page.destination

    }}" /> </head> </html> _layouts/redirect.html Handy tricks
  12. Thanks! Follow @cobyism on Twitter (do iiiit!) Email me coby@github.com

    Come say hi later! Slides coby.io/converge-2014