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Magical Thinking

September 13, 2016

Magical Thinking

Slides from a lecture on magical thinking.


September 13, 2016

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  1. elements of magical thinking ! Things have essences. ! Words

    and thoughts have power. ! Agents are everywhere.
  2. Things have essences. ! Natural kinds of things have unique

    and unchangable features. ! Some things are sacred and some are cursed.
  3. Things have essences. ! Natural kinds of things have unique

    and unchangable features. ! Some things are sacred and some are cursed. ! It is wrong to treat things contrary to their true nature.
  4. Words and thoughts have power. ! Names themselves have power.

    ! Words and symbols can influence the things they refer to.
  5. Words and thoughts have power. ! Names themselves have power.

    ! Words and symbols can influence the things they refer to. ! Thinking can directly cause things to happen.
  6. Agents are everywhere. ! Nothing happens without a reason. !

    Someone or something is always watching.
  7. Agents are everywhere. ! Nothing happens without a reason. !

    Someone or something is always watching. ! The good are rewarded and the evil are punished.
  8. the traditional perspective Dogon shaman Magical thinking reveals the hidden

    reality underlying appearances. It plays an important role in all societies.
  9. the Enlightenment David Hume 1711 – 1776 Magical thinking is

    a flawed attempt to make sense of things. Intellectual honesty requires us to abandon hidden causes and deeper meanings and stick to what we see directly.
  10. cultural relativism Ruth Benedict 1887 – 1948 Who are we

    to dismiss magical thinking as a mistake? It is a culturally bound attempt to make sense of things, no less valid than modern science.
  11. cognitive psychology Danial Kahneman 1934 – Magical thinking is a

    quick and dirty attempt to make sense of things. It is often mistaken even if it helps us to get by. Critical reasoning by comparison is slow, laborious and approaches objectivity.