݅ Competition Data & Evaluation I believe that home-based learning could be advantageous for students as it eliminates the need for them to dress up and get ready... essay measure predicted value ground truth cohesion 2.53 3.5 syntax 1.12 1.0 vocabulary 3.25 5.0 phraseology 2.12 2.5 grammar 4.90 1.0 conventions 2.12 3.0 Scoring: MCRMSE (mean columnwise RMSE)
Label ͷ࣭Λ্͛ΔͨΊͷऔΓΈ a. Adversarial Validation ʹΑΔϊΠδʔͳσʔλͷআ֎ b. FB3 σʔληοτͷ All Data Training c. Pseudo Labeling ͷύλʔϯͷόϦΤʔγϣϯ d. Pseudo Labeling ͷΠλϨʔγϣϯճ e. ࣄલֶशࡁΈϞσϧͷόϦΤʔγϣϯ Key Point