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Using your own observations in harpSpatial

October 17, 2019

Using your own observations in harpSpatial

An example with the Austrian INCA data


October 17, 2019

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  1. How to get your spatial observation to harp Many institutes

    have their own tool for spatial observation - analysis, and it is most probably not coming in a format that harp understands right a way (hdf5, grib, fa, fatar). So what to do?
  2. How to get your spatial observation to harp Many institutes

    have their own tool for spatial observation - analysis, and it is most probably not coming in a format that harp understands right a way (hdf5, grib, fa, fatar). So what to do? meteogrid is a good starting point to help you constructing this spatial observation.
  3. library( readr ) library( tidyverse ) # file is gzipped

    inca <- read_delim( incafile, delim = " ", col_names = FALSE ) %>% dplyr::mutate_all( as.numeric ) How do we read the data
  4. Inca output is actually starting in the bottom left, going

    along the top left line by line - BUT It is written to the ascii file in a really weird way: • Starting bottom left, • writing line by line • but only 10 cols (instead of 701) inca <- c( t( inca ))[!is.na(c( t( inca )))] %>% matrix( nrow = 701 ) Re-arranging needed
  5. R is indexing rows first, second is columns so •

    Transposing the matrix • Make a vector out of it -> get all inca data in one stream • Remove all NA’s • Turn it into a matrix again inca <- c( t( inca ))[!is.na(c( t( inca )))] %>% matrix( nrow = 701 ) Re-arranging needed
  6. Tell R what map - projection the matrix has Proj4string

    from https://epsg.io/ +proj=lcc +lat_0=47.5N +lon_0=13.3333 +lat_1=46N +lat_2=49N +ellps=bessel +x_0=400000 +y_0=400000 701 x 401 domain Projection summary: proj= lcc NE = ( 17.74378 , 49.39726 ) SW = ( 8.444457 , 45.77268 ) Now make a geofield out of it
  7. domainINCA <- structure( list( projection = list( proj = "lcc",

    lat_0 = 47.5, lon_0 = 13.3333, lat_1 = 46, lat_2 = 49, ellps = "bessel", x_0 = 400000, y_0 = 400000), nx = 701, ny = 401, SW = c(8.444457, 45.772682), NE = c(17.74378, 49.397259) ), class = "geodomain") Now make a geofield out of it
  8. To be read by the library( harp ) environment( read_inca

    ) <- environment( read_grid ) Put it into the environment