During Simply Business’ growth from a small company to the largest ever insurtech exit to Travelers, ‘Dr.’ Lukas confronted each of the 8 deadly maladies personally. He watched as great experiments and expansive ideas withered mercilessly. In this fast paced talk, you can experience the diagnoses and confront the cures. These ailments are common in advanced teams, and need to be monitored and treated carefully. Their cure often involves rework of culture, people and techniques. You will grow to understand Low-hanging-fruit-itis, Caged-in Syndrome, No-rigor-mortis and 5 other debilitating conditions. You needn’t suffer as he did. Apply these lessons liberally (for external use only), at least twice a month, and you will be healed. Lukas is Group CTO at Simply Business and has been practicing BML and similar techniques for well over a decade.