a new assignment • download student deliverables • drastically reduced paths 32 !"#$%&'&()%&*$ "+,-.*'#//#+. 01&2+#.,/+. 13*$41#%,5)%&6.#/ 7),5)%&6.#,"#,5*$ .#$"+,#8&/%#9#11#,: 01&2+#.,/+. 0.;#.,+$#,5)%&6.# <$%.#.,1#,$*5 "#,1),5)%&6.# 7#,4.*+-# #8&/%#9&1,: 01&2+#.,/+. 13*$41#%,=.*5*/ 01&2+#.,/+.,1#,$*5 >#,1),5)%&6.# ?;1#(%&*$$#.,1),1&/%# "#/,-.*'#//#+./ @''#(%#.,1#/,4.*+-#/ A,1),5)%&6.# 01&2+#.,/+.,0.;#. +$,$*+B#)+,%.)B)&1 0C*&/&.,1#,$*5,"+,%.)B)&1D 7#,$*5E.#,"3;%+"&)$%/D 7),(C).4#D,1),%*1;.)$(#D 7),%)&11#,#%,1#,.#$"+,#8-.#// 0*$$)&//#F,B*+/ 1),/&4$&'&()%&*$ "#/,(C)5-/,: 0*$/+1%#.,13)&"# 0C*&/&.,1#,$*5,#%,1# '*.5)%,"+,'&(C&#. G,.#$".# H9)9%3&1,"3)+%.#/,'&(C&#./ A,.#$".#,: 0*$$)&//#F,B*+/ 1),/&4$&'&()%&*$ "#/,(C)5-/,: 0*$/+1%#.,13)&"# @''#(%#.,1#/,4.*+-#/,"# %.)B)&1,)+8,#$/#&4$)$%/ 0C*&/&.,1),I*+,1#/J ")%#I/J,"#,.#$"+ 0C*&/&.,1),-+E1&()%&*$ #''#(%&B#,"+,.#$"+ K)1&"#. 7),-.*5*%&*$ (*$(#.$;#,#/%9#11# ")$/,1),1&/%#,: 0C).4#.,1),-.*5*%&*$ )B#(,1#,'&(C&#.,L-.*5* 7#,4.*+-# (*$(#.$;,#/%9&1 ")$/,1),1&/%#,: ?;1#(%&*$$#.,1#/ ;%+"&)$%/,+$,G,+$ !"#$%&'()*+,()(',-.$,)".(*,)/,")0+.(%".12% M+& N*$ M+& N*$ M+& N*$ N*$ M+& M+& N*$ N*$ M+& M+& N*$ We have changed the way of navigating the warehouse in order to optimize it for the two most common tasks: adding a new assignment and downloading student deliverables. To do that, we simplified the navigation paths and made the entry points clearer. The workload is now highlighted by our calendar view, that we will show right now.