the House things I can get done. And that's one of the things we'll do in our routines classes. Look at like, okay, these kinds of tasks are all similar. How can we do them together? So I think we're running over errands at one time. That means that it's not like, oh, I probably seen the grocery sir. Oh, I need to mail this letter. Oh, I need to get gas in my car. Oh, I forgot to return in this library bookd. Patricia Sung 14:24 But like, if we can say like, on Wednesday, I'm going to do as many errands as possible. Then one things are done and they don't pile up to it like saves you on like timewise because you're out running all the errands in one swoop instead of you know, doing it in a bunch of, you know, a bunch of different times, especially if you live like farther out from stuff like not, you know, to the city. That's a lot more time consuming. And also like it gives you a designated place to do things. So it's like if I'm going to I need to do this errand. I automatically know like, I need to look at Wednesday first, can it be done on Wednesday like these that have to be done before that? Or can it wait till Wednesday. And that makes my, like planning my day easier because I'm not trying to squeeze in. Patricia Sung 15:15 Because I know our brains are like, well, if I don't do it right now, I'm gonna forget to have to do it right now. No, I know, it's okay. Wednesday, it says I needed Aaron say, I will run those errands then. And the good part is that, you know, a lot of the stuff like my am blocks pretty a lot of those tasks are similarly they repeat themselves, my, you know, my AM isn't as variable. Patricia Sung 15:38 And if I need to, like have our schedule changes, I can just move all those tasks for like, getting the house ready. That's why Monday is my like house day, I can just move all the house stuff to another day. If say, like, on Monday, we don't have school, and I know I'm not going to have as much free time, you know, because the kids are going to be home, then I can just say, Okay, well, then I can just like literally like, copy, paste, pull these three tasks for Monday, drop them on to Tuesday. Patricia Sung 16:12 And that makes it you know, easier to, to organize my day, if I know. Like when I kind of prepare for upcoming changes. So this is what I do. The other bonus of having small squares is that I can't write 400 things on there, because it's not possible to get four things done. So if I only have like this, like smidgen amount of space, it's like, well, you know what, I already have to do a load of laundry, drop, oh, I'm not dropping off anyone. Preschool now, but drop for school. And work on podcast stuff. It's like, well, I already have a full morning there, I can't really fit in any more stuff. Patricia Sung 17:03