enjoying our life. Patricia Sung 04:10 We take for example bathtime is no longer like a fun time to connect with our kids. Instead, it's like, quit splashing your brother. Get out of the tub. I said wash your hair, put your pajamas on and all of a sudden, this time the connection is like you know, I call it Medusa mom comes out and she's yelling at everybody. And and the kids are grumpy. You're grumpy. Everybody's grumpy. And you go to bed and you sit down and you're like, What am I doing with my life? Why like, why is it always this hard? And we worry about all the responsibilities we didn't get done and how we were terrible moms and we get this whole shame spiral going right. Patricia Sung 04:50 And when we have the structure and the routines in place, we're lowering all the energy that goes into those mundane The things that shouldn't be the center of the show and getting them like, automated and on autopilot and everything so that we can enjoy that time. And we're not Medusa mom at that point because we're not dead tired, like not to say that that's never going to happen. But with time, it'll be better and better. And we'll have more good days and less of the I hate myself days. And we're striving towards continuous improvement, you know, in the long term, not to say that every day is any better than the last one because sometimes we go backwards before we go forwards. Patricia Sung 05:33 But overall, we're having more good days instead of bad days. And the last thing I want to mention, before I pause to make these videos super short for you, is that there's a few things that rhythms and routines are not for one thing, the frame is not the main draw your rhythms and routines should be the support in the backup in the background, like behind the scenes, like nobody's like a slot on mahogany frame, so fabulous. Like, that shouldn't be the point, right? The frame is there to support the art, the art should be the center of the show. So all of these rhythms and routines should be in the background supporting the good stuff. Patricia Sung 06:11 Secondly, our frame is not like a steel cage, it's not meant to feel suffocating or like, like overwhelming or stressful. We don't want to look at our art through the bars of a cage. All of these routines are meant to serve you they are meant to add to your life. It's not about doing things with military precision that we had to start at precisely 1130 For for our lunch prep, or else is all gonna go downhill. No, it's not. That's not the goal. We want them to be flexible, because they need to fit your day, they need to fit every season they need to fit. Patricia Sung 06:50 You know how every day is different, because kids are always different. And, you know, who knows, maybe they woke up later than they usually do. And now everything's kind of like