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  1. 1-2 Frame Your Art - TMM Module 1 Mon, 2/28

    4:53PM 7:01 SUMMARY KEYWORDS routine, life, module, moms, work, sense, school aged kids, talk, skills, overhauling, change, kids, modify, structures, hive mind, create, ideas, frames, implement, expectation SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:01 Hey, there Successful Mama, welcome back to module one. This is video two, we're talking about what our goals are and what our motivation is for what we're doing here. Patricia Sung 00:10 Now, I talked to you about your beautiful life that you are framing. And where I left off is that this routine should match you. It has to match your life, because this is not a copy and paste sort of structure. I'm not going to tell you like here, just do exactly what I do, and everything will be great. Because that doesn't make sense, right? Patricia Sung 00:34 You can google or you go to Pinterest and find 47 different routines for moms with whatever age your kids are, right? But the reason that doesn't work for us is because one we have brains that are different in to like, their life isn't my life. My kids might be at a different age, my kid might have different, you know, nap times, or maybe my kid get up a little bit later. And so now your schedule doesn't work out quite right. So those copy and paste, things don't make sense for us, because we're all different. Patricia Sung 01:06 So while I am going to give you all the supplies and the instructions that you need to create the framework. You're building it with me and this is created for you. The next mom is going to create it for her life. And so we're all building frames, but they're all going to look different because all of our art is different. It's different sizes, different style. And we're going to need something different, depending on what our life looks like. So just know, okay, your friend is not going to look like everyone else's. And it's totally fine and shouldn't be expected to be that way. Okay?
  2. Patricia Sung 01:43 Now, when is my routine finished, never.

    I know, you're never going to have the perfect routine, oh, I'm sorry. The reason is, is that your routine, it's a living document. It is going to evolve with you. It involves with your family, especially if your kids are like under three, your routine is going to change all the time. It's like we're dropping a nap or you know, eating more food, we got teeth coming in, like that's crazy, right? Patricia Sung 02:12 When you have school aged kids, you got summertime, you got you know, school time you got breaks and holidays. It's never the same. And that's okay. But we go in knowing that our routine is going to modify as things change. And we have a plan for that change. And we know how to adjust for that. Because we expect that a lot of the time where we get totally off track is that things come up. And we didn't prepare for them because we didn't know to prepare for them. Which how would you know to repair for it, if you didn't know it's coming? It's a whole thing, right? Patricia Sung 02:46 But we're going to talk about that so that your routine is ready for when you're hitting those transitions times. But the great news is that because it's constantly evolving, that means you're less likely to be bored with it because it is going to make you know you're gonna have different routines even like weekdays vs. weekends, you might have different routines. And instead of being frustrated about everything, we're going to plan for it, and that will make it easier to deal with it. Patricia Sung 03:10 Now, what I love about this is that once we have these, like skills in place, we understand them, that means that they're adaptable. So when you have a routine for whatever time of year, this is currently there in, that means that you can then modify this routine to match the next one. So you will be able to modify when your kid goes through two naps to one nap, you'll be able to modify from when we go from summer to back to school, or when we have holiday break. And now we got to go back to reality in the second part of the school year. Patricia Sung 03:40 That is all adaptive. It's all adaptable, you can make it work for you. And you can then teach your kids these skills, especially if they have ADHD, they're going to need help with this. And these are all skills that you can then teach them so that they can then create routines and structures in their life. You know, obviously, you're doing it with them when they're little. But as
  3. they get older, they can create these structures for themselves.

    And hopefully, when they go off, you know, one day when they're in college or have a job, they will then have the skills to run their life in a more satisfying way. Patricia Sung 04:16 The other good part of this is that when we go through this class, at the end of the seven weeks that we're together here, these seven modules.It's not like I don't want you to have the expectation that like walau will have the perfect routine in place. Because again, the perfect routine doesn't exist, but you'll have a pretty good idea of what that looks like. And you'll have started implementing a lot of changes along the way. So that you will be pretty close to having it implemented but it's never going to be completely done. And we don't want to do this whole like throw out my old life start a whole new life because that doesn't stick. Patricia Sung 04:57 I mean, there's been plenty of times that especially those with ADHD are like, Hey, I'm going to be a totally different person tomorrow and do all these things that I've never done before my whole life. And it's like, well, yeah, those are great goals. And we'll get there. But let's not try to do them all at the same time. Because then they don't stick. We want to do, you know, piece by piece and get it going so that this is sustainable system for you. Patricia Sung 05:21 So expectations set, by the end of the seven weeks will be a really great start. But we're not going to have it all figured out. Because we have to test things out to know whether or not they make sense for life. But that's why we have continued to support and with the group, so your weekly meetings continue on forever, as long as I'm doing this. So you can still meet every week and have that support, you have the community there to talk with other moms, you've got the hive mind to brainstorm with folks and figure out like, Okay, this isn't working for me, like, do you have any ideas of how you can adapt this thing, you know, and toss around ideas with the other moms because we all have brains that work in similar fashions, and we'll be able to offer suggestions that make sense for our lives. And less like a get bored with things, constantly changing them. Patricia Sung 06:13 And I know it's like this like dichotomy of like, well, I want to change it, but I want some consistency. And this is where we'll find the balance of ways that we can make things not super boring. They fit your life. But they are going to be changing because kids change, life changes. But it'll have enough similarities that you'll hit into this rhythm and it'll be there'll be small modifications. It's not like overhauling your whole life every time. So there is this balance of, you know, doing things similarly so we can get used to them and putting them on autopilot, but also not so lame and boring that were formed. Okay, I think that's all my notes. So that is in module one. Let's get into our activities of how we're going to implement these things together.