4:53PM 7:01 SUMMARY KEYWORDS routine, life, module, moms, work, sense, school aged kids, talk, skills, overhauling, change, kids, modify, structures, hive mind, create, ideas, frames, implement, expectation SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:01 Hey, there Successful Mama, welcome back to module one. This is video two, we're talking about what our goals are and what our motivation is for what we're doing here. Patricia Sung 00:10 Now, I talked to you about your beautiful life that you are framing. And where I left off is that this routine should match you. It has to match your life, because this is not a copy and paste sort of structure. I'm not going to tell you like here, just do exactly what I do, and everything will be great. Because that doesn't make sense, right? Patricia Sung 00:34 You can google or you go to Pinterest and find 47 different routines for moms with whatever age your kids are, right? But the reason that doesn't work for us is because one we have brains that are different in to like, their life isn't my life. My kids might be at a different age, my kid might have different, you know, nap times, or maybe my kid get up a little bit later. And so now your schedule doesn't work out quite right. So those copy and paste, things don't make sense for us, because we're all different. Patricia Sung 01:06 So while I am going to give you all the supplies and the instructions that you need to create the framework. You're building it with me and this is created for you. The next mom is going to create it for her life. And so we're all building frames, but they're all going to look different because all of our art is different. It's different sizes, different style. And we're going to need something different, depending on what our life looks like. So just know, okay, your friend is not going to look like everyone else's. And it's totally fine and shouldn't be expected to be that way. Okay?