the different pieces of executive functioning, you can head over to the podcast, I have a ton of episodes on them. They're all roughly between 62 and 73. Not all of those episodes are about executive function, but they're all in that range. And we talk about all of these different pieces, when we think about the obstacles that pop up, it is affecting our transitions. So our ability to change what we're doing from one task to another, like being able to move from doing this thing to doing that thing. Patricia Sung 02:27 It affects our flexibility, because in some ways, we can be very flexible in other ways, we are extremely inflexible. It affects all of the different regulations, our energy regulation, our emotional regulation, or self regulation, because we are now having to deal with our emotions about the situation along with the situation involves our prioritization. So all of a sudden, we're playing whack a mole, prioritization of like, whatever pops up first, instead of dealing with what really matters first, because that involves planning, which is also hard for us. Patricia Sung 03:01 It involves like our task initiation and being able to switch and start that new task rather than just like stall out from what we were doing. So all of these pieces of our brain that struggle are affected when we hit these obstacles. So knowing that they're coming creates just a more like calm and what's the word I'm looking for? stress free environment for us to really think about these different choices that we could be making. Patricia Sung 03:32 Now, also, when we think about these, the obstacles that are coming up, when we look at those thinking about this and having an awareness about it allows our brain to start to marinate on what are the patterns happening, what are the solutions I can come up with. And it lets our brain have time to start to think on these things. Because we're kind of an oxymoron, where sometimes we're so oblivious to what's going on. And other times we are so attentive to little details and picking up like reading the room or reading, like behind what people are saying and like really, like into their hearts like it, we feel like an oxymoron because like we don't catch the patterns right away. But a lot of times when we stop and think about, okay, what am I noticing this issue popping up over and over again. Patricia Sung 04:20 Sometimes it's as simple as, oh, we're having a meltdown after school pickup every day, because my kid is hungry. If I just hand him a granola bar in the car, we can get home it without the meltdown. So when we can see those patterns, it makes the solution a lot easier to figure out. But we need that space to let our brain sit on it and start to filter through and find that pattern. We also need to give our brains that space to think on the possible solutions becausein the moment, we're just like trying to frantically pick something like whatever works, just give me an answer, right? Whereas if we give our brains that space to think about it, then