Module 3 Mon, 3/21 9:10PM 8:00 SUMMARY KEYWORDS moms, kids, family, adhd, bartering, talk, plates, recognize, cooking, feel, module, life, trading, brainstorm, pickup, meals, prioritizing, outsourcing, teaching, expect SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey, they're successful mama. Welcome back to module three. Patricia Sung 00:03 This one is titled I have too much to do. And to that I say, Yes, you do, you have too much on your plate. Pretty much every mom that I talked to who has ADHD has too much on their plate. Parents in general have too much on their plates. Moms, in general have too much on their plates. Especially having been through this time of the pandemic, there is too much on our plates. So I want to recognize that with you and be like, yes, it is too much. It's not just you, it's not that you can't keep up with it. There is too much here. What do we do about that? It's not an easy solution. And I'm not going to solve it in this couple minute video. Patricia Sung 00:43 But I want you to start thinking about what your options are. Pretty much things either have to get done by you. They have to be done by somebody else, or they don't get done. Those are the three choices. We are going to talk about later in the module in this module, but another module we will talk about how do we prioritize and figure out what are the things that we can be saying no to. But a lot of times when you have ADHD, you don't even realize that that is an option. We don't say no. Because we beat ourselves up and say like, well, we Why can't I be able to do all these things? Why can't I keep up like everyone else? Patricia Sung 01:19 And I want to start breaking down that lie, you do not have to do everything and it is not possible and it is okay for you to say no, it is okay for you to hold boundaries, it is okay for you to not do some things. It is okay for your kids to be disappointed that they don't get to do some