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  1. 5-9 Calculating Your Daily Routine Chain Example - Module 5

    ... Mon, 3/21 9:29PM 10:32 SUMMARY KEYWORDS morning, minutes, anchor, early, give, eating, late night, dressed, long, figure, pushing, kids, bedtime routine, backpack, adjustment, scientist, extra, prepped, shower, brushing teeth SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey there successful mama, we're still in module five. And I want to walk through this activity with you. Patricia Sung 00:04 So we have gone through and taken all the different activities and sorted them in by anchor. So feels like a lot it is you do a lot of stuff. Having this all on paper is proof of all the things that you're doing. When you get to the end of the day, and you think I didn't do anything, I didn't accomplish anything. This paper says otherwise. Patricia Sung 00:27 Okay. Now, what are we going to do with us, and we're going to figure out how long it takes us to do stuff. The first time through, we're literally just guessing we have no idea, we have no sense of time, we're not good at this, we're just going to do our best we're going to guess. And we're going to figure out about how much time we think these are going to take us. We're going to add on a little more time because we probably were wrong, where we can ask a friend for some input, and then we'll put into practice. And we'll see is that an accurate representation? I'm gonna guess probably not because we don't have a very good sense of time. Patricia Sung 01:00 So I will give you an example of as I walked through mine, I was very incorrect. The first time I did this. And like I started this process, when we had to get up for school for kindergarten at the first time. So my son's now in first grade. So over a year ago, when I sat down was like, Okay,
  2. how early do I have to get up in order

    to get him to school on time? And the answer was, like, 5:30 in the morning, and I was like, No, this is not happening. I'm not a morning person. I have gotten it down to an hour if I am fully prepped. So I have to get up at six if we leave at seven, but it was an eye opener, because I truly was absolutely wrong in my guests. Patricia Sung 01:48 That's the first time. So fair warning you may be alright, so I've sorted anger one when I wake up. That's my that's the first anchor. I have my I think medicine, go to the bathroom, wash my face brush, my teeth get dressed. All of this takes me about 30 minutes, which if I were to have guessed, I would have said like, oh, like 15 is totally fine. No, I'm not a morning person and I don't move quickly. I move very slowly in the morning, I need that space. It is hard for me. If I can, if I can do it, if I have everything prepped I can do it in about 20 minutes. But I'm not happy about it. I like to take my time in the morning. And that has been an adjustment for me. Patricia Sung 02:33 So I want you to estimate what are all the things that you do in the morning? How long does it take you to get ready we're gonna say I'm gonna say 30 minutes because you know, if I, I usually shower it and I but sometimes they don't shower in the morning definitely is going to be closer to 30 minutes. So I'm going to say 30 Then getting my kiddo up and dressed we have I have trained him now he's a champ, he can get up usually on his own as long as it wasn't like our late night and get dressed and downstairs on his own. So that is possible. Just so you know, it does exist as possible. But that does take about 15 minutes, like on the days where you know, something happened and we were up late or you know, he was just extra tired. And I do have to go up there. I give myself about 15 minutes to do that. Patricia Sung 03:23 Okay, breakfast, I tried to clear the table the night before. So I can take that off my list. Making breakfast, eating breakfast, taking vitamins, and then we and I cleared the table and take everything over to the sink on time for washing dishes or put anything away. Nope, that's gonna have to go somewhere else. And I would tell you, like copy and paste those things and put them somewhere else. If you haven't already, that section takes us between 20 and 30 minutes. He is not a fast eater. So and he needs to be up for a little bit. I tried pushing our bedtime routine or morning routine a little bit later because he it's not that he doesn't, that he doesn't need a ton of time to eat. He just like needs to be awake for a while before he's hungry. Patricia Sung 04:12 And some people are like that they need time to wake up before they want to eat food. And now that I know that he gets up at an earlier time then like he gets up not long after I do because he can be getting dressed while I finished my routine here. And but yeah, some kids are like up and starving and some kids need to be awake for a while before they feel hungry. And so I've accepted that fact. No, I like it. I like in the early but we do okay. Now getting water bottle into the bag, lunch in the backpack. I can usually do that while he's eating because I can
  3. eat faster than he does. And he let me go

    brush the teeth. Comb Here, put on shoes, injector, shoes and jacket, backpacks leaving the house that's about another 10 minutes to get all that done. Patricia Sung 05:09 Now, if you have a kid with ADHD, know that all these things are going to take longer because both of you are on the struggle bus, okay? Here's where we are, right. So I'm gonna say about another 10 minutes here. Now, that to me is on the faster end, because usually my husband is around in the mornings, and he'll usually take the combing and brushing teeth part while I am finishing up stuff in the kitchen. But like, you'll have to think about that like, like, for example, my husband's traveling today, I had to do all the things. So I needed more time to get everything done, because I was the lone DOER of stuff and Kid herder this morning. Patricia Sung 05:54 So you want to give yourself a we're gonna call it basically, you want to plan on the worst case scenario, you don't ever want to plan on the unicorn morning where everything goes smoothly, because that hardly ever happens. It's like once a year, so you want to give yourself lots of time. And then once you have lots of time, you can go in and backtrack. Like when we first started, like I said, when I first played is like you have to get up at 530 in order to get this stuff done. And I was just like, What, no, I still try to be 530, it was hard. And it was not successful in many days. But when I had that extra time, I wasn't running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I wasn't panicking the whole time. And I was able to be calmer for him. Because when we are panicked and yelling, our kids start to shut down. And then they don't do things. And then everything just takes longer. I wish I learned that lesson early on life. But here we are. Patricia Sung 06:49 So giving myself at extra time allowed us to like set our system in place. So I would say like by I think like the first month we were we were up super early. But then within a month to six weeks, we had settled it out where we were not getting up at 5:30am getting up at usually at six ish. So I know that when we implement these things, and we're giving ourselves lots of space, it's for a finite amount of time. You don't necessarily have to do that forever, you might. But I look at it as like I'm giving myself all this extra buffer room for the next month. So that we can figure it out. And then I can condense down within I mean, even like within two weeks, you'll start to see like, Patricia Sung 07:32 Okay, this is how much time we need, and you can make it fit better. I just realized that like I tried to do it too early. And what I found was that because he needed that time to like be awake before eating that then he was eating really slowly because he wasn't hungry. And that was pushing everything back. So like it didn't have like the right effect I thought I was creating by letting him sleep later, was actually just pushing the end time forward. So you know, as you adjust, you'll see how it fits.
  4. Patricia Sung 08:08 Because now you have your scientist coat

    on. And you're looking at it saying, How does like what's changing here? How is this moving? What's making the difference? And you're because you have like that outlook of like, I'm looking for the problem? Because I'm looking for the solution? How am I going to modify this? I know that I'm approaching this in a certain way, because I'm looking for the better solution. It's different than just like I'm learning was a mess. And it was awful. Patricia Sung 08:34 No, you have your scientists codon and you're saying, what data did I gather? How do we make adjustments to this process in a way that makes sense for our family. Okay, so looking at all this, if I total it up, it's taking us between an hour and 15 minutes and an hour and 30 minutes, which means if we leave, we have to leave by 7am. So it might help you to put like the actual time there, we need to leave at 7am. That means that this backs up all the way to between 545 530 to 545 to six depending on for me 530 Is if I know we had a late night, I'm going to have to get up a little bit earlier. If I know my husband's out of town, I'm gonna have to get up a little earlier. Whereas if everything probably is going to be okay, and I probably have help, that six o'clock line is good. Hope that makes sense. Okay. So bring your questions to our meeting. Patricia Sung 09:34 Now we can see that we have the full list of things that are going on that anchor about how much time we think they're going to take working backwards from leaving the house at seven. I'm probably going to have to wake up between 5:30 and six depending on the situation. Do I need a shower? Did we have a late night contemplating all those things? Where's that safe point going to be for us? So I hope that helps you figure out where your anchors should be layered how I work backwards, hoping that assist you in like this practice exercise to see in like real tangible activities. How does this anchor look when it is actually layered in. Patricia Sung 10:20 So go ahead and do this with all of your anchors all six of them and put them together and I will talk to you soon. You're doing great