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More Decks by Patricia Sung | Motherhood in ADHD

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  1. 6-10 Activity_ Match your pockets + buckets - TMM Module

    6 Tue, 3/22 11:06AM 4:41 SUMMARY KEYWORDS plan, important, schedule, account, pockets, conflicts, rocket boosters, playdates, thought, give, match, matters, rearrange, puzzle pieces, realistic, put, kids, downtime, module, waves SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey there successful normal. Welcome back to module six. And, okay, we've got today, we have our foundational schedule laid out, we have our buckets in pockets. And we're like, Okay, I think this looks pretty good. Now we got to check it. Patricia Sung 00:16 I want you to go back and consider your chains and your waves thinking about how much leeway you gave yourself. The waves that are coming through the day, did we account for those things that are going to give us some pickups? Patricia Sung 00:30 So things like, did we include our driving time and our prep time to get you know, everyone's shoes on and out the door? Did we account for our energy levels of maybe you have more energy in the morning or the afternoons or the evenings? And putting the more difficult tasks? Or the more you know, brain heavy tasks in those times where you have more energy? Did you give yourself a buffer time to get things done that we know we poorly estimated earlier and we have that space in our day to give ourselves space to finish? And wrap up the things that we know we we did not account for earlier? Do you have space for rest? Patricia Sung 01:12 If we have the day going like from sunup to sundown every single day, we can't keep up that pace. So where are you going to have some downtime, even if that is, you know, quiet time with your kids means quiet time for a mom as well. At least like one day a week? For starters, if you're not currently resting, where are you creating that space for yourself?
  2. Patricia Sung 01:37 Do you have any conflicts when you

    think through and be like, hey, oh, I just thought I was gonna vacuum in the middle my baby's nap and I have a baby who doesn't sleep that well, that's gonna wake them up. So looking for those kinds of conflicts of things that are like, Oh, anything about that? And truly, like, Is this realistic? Is this doable for me, because if we create a plan that is not realistic, we are never going to follow through on it. Patricia Sung 02:06 So I would prefer you take it back a notch and build upon it, then shoot for the moon and realize, I don't have any rocket boosters, they okay. And I want to ask you this key question is does your day match your values? We talked about this all the way back at the beginning of looking at what are the things that are important to you? And what matters to you? What is important to you where where do your priorities lie? Patricia Sung 02:39 If you said like solitary time is really important to you like that's something that's really important to me, I need some time by myself to stay sane. Do I have that in my calendar? Do I account for that? If friendships are really important to you? Did you plan time to go on coffee dates with friends, or playdates? Where your kids can play on the playground? And you can chat and have some quality conversation? Are the things that are important to you? Like, can I tell that by looking at your schedule? If I look at your schedule? Can I tell what really matters to you? Can I look at that and say, Oh, clearly this mama relies on the important things to her our blah, blah, blah. Patricia Sung 03:28 If it doesn't, then here's our chance to rearrange the puzzle pieces again, and make sure that what we are planning for our lives and matches what really matters to us. So here's your homework is all that information is so that you can match your buckets to the open pockets. Patricia Sung 03:52 Ask yourself looking at this foundational schedule, you're putting all these pieces together and rearranging them until they make sense to you name what each of these pockets are going to be put into them. You have that worksheet, put it all together, and then brainstorm it and then look back and be like do the cedit questions. Does this make sense? Do I have complex? Are my values reflected in what I have planned to make happen here in this schedule? Patricia Sung 04:31 If you're up for it, post that on the community and plan for when you're gonna watch the next
  3. If you're up for it, post that on the community

    and plan for when you're gonna watch the next video. I