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More Decks by Patricia Sung | Motherhood in ADHD

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  1. What's the plan_ A course overview - TMM updated (edited)

    Fri, 2/18 8:18PM 4:11 SUMMARY KEYWORDS module, routines, adhd, work, setting, week, track, plan, overcoming obstacles, framing, life, meaty, scientist, big picture, motivation, creating, schedule, failure, part, understand SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey there successful mama. Welcome back to our intro module. Patricia Sung 00:04 Now we're looking at the modules that we are going to be learning about in the next few weeks here. So we start with motivation. Why are we doing this? Why do we even want to routine? What's the point, right? We need to zero in on why it's important to us, or else, we're dropping like a hot stick in five seconds, right? Patricia Sung 00:23 So let's zero in, why are we doing this? And that way, we can come back to that motivation every time when we're struggling, or feeling like what's the point, we know where to center ourselves in what matters to us. Then we'll go into the framework and the framework is where we're going to understand the full structure because, when you have ADHD, you have to understand what the big picture is. Or else, it doesn't make sense to us, right? Patricia Sung 00:49 So you want to understand the big picture here, and how we're setting up our day, then we go into overcoming obstacles, what are all the things that are going to get us off track between our ADHD and our kids and just life in general? How are we going to plan for those? How can we be proactive? When we plan for the things that we can plan for, then all the little things that we can't plan for aren't going to throw us off so much, because we are more prepared for what we know is coming because we are going to get off track because we have ADHD.
  2. Patricia Sung 01:21 Now each of these first three modules

    are a little bit shorter, it's probably about an hour of watching the videos and doing activities. And and then when we move into the second half of the class, this is where we're getting into creating your schedule that fits you. So in module four, we're setting up your transition points, setting up your anchors, understanding how your day flows. Patricia Sung 01:46 Then we get into module five, where we start creating the routines that are going to go in all of those pieces of our day. And in module six is where we get into the good part that the art right, what are we framing out the time with our friends and family and our kids, and also working in our weekly and monthly routines into our full week picture. And these ones are a little more meaty because we're actually diving into your life, right? Patricia Sung 02:14 So giving yourself plenty of time to work through that. And keep in mind that if you do get off track, like if some big event happens in your life, it's okay. You deal with that important thing. And then you come back because the support is here. All the time, right, the support meetings don't end. Patricia Sung 02:14 So those ones are going to be spread out over multiple weeks so that you have time to really get in there, do what you want to do. And it's not too overwhelming. Because if we move too fast, and we start getting you behind our brain freaks out in ADHD, we're like, Well, what I just I mean, I'm so fine amazed when I even try it out, right? We don't want that to happen. Patricia Sung 02:50 So if you have to take a little break, and you come back later. It's not a problem, you take a long break, it's fine. We'll be here right? For your brain, I will put the schedule below this video on what is happening which week so that you don't have to worry okay. Patricia Sung 03:08 Now, as we're getting into all of this experimenting, I want you to like literally imagine yourself put on your like Wait scientist lab coat. And think about it like you are a scientist, you are a researcher. The trial and error here is necessary. Patricia Sung 03:26
  3. Patricia Sung 03:26 The failure is what lets us know

    what didn't work so that we can find what does. If we skip over the failure part we won't figure out what works. So we are expecting to struggle we are expecting for things not to work. And remember I'm here to help, right. Patricia Sung 03:42 That's why we have the support. We have the community because there are going to be times where it feels hard. It's expected and we'll keep working on it. Remember, we're looking for our persistence, not consistency. Patricia Sung 03:55 So what are your first two tasks here? One is filling in the pre survey by understanding where you are right now. And then planning for when you're going to tap into the next set of videos. Patricia Sung 04:07 Okay, I'll see you soon.