in ArcGIS § Best tools for large-scale data production • NHGIS § Currently disseminates only shapefiles § Moving to PostGIS back-end to facilitate additional data formats • TerraPop § Currently disseminates only shapefiles § Uses PostGIS back-end so easy to extend to additional data formats
the National Science Foundation • Received two additional NSF grants and two NICHD (NIH) grants • First MPC project to create and disseminate GIS data • NHGIS also disseminates aggregate census data to link with GIS data
from TIGER/Line 2000 data and scanned census tract maps • Counties § 1790-2000 § Constructed from TIGER/Line 2000 data, scanned census maps, Thorndale & Dollarhide’s Map Guide to the US Federal Censuses 1790-1920, and other sources
County subdivisions back to 1930 § Places back to 1790 § Using TIGER, GNIS, and scanned census maps § Create new summary data from 100% census microdata
• We created consistent PUMAs covering the 1980-2000 time period (through visual inspection) and the 2000-2010 time period (through an automated algorithm)
Area-level data Rasters characteris1cs for administra1ve districts County ID G01001 G01003 G01005 G01007 County ID Mean Ann. Precip. Median HH Income G01001 768 50,500 G01003 589 48,500 G01005 867 51,000 G01007 701 50,750
administrative unit boundaries § Containers for summarizing raster data to area- level data § Containers for distributing area-level data to raster cells § Codes link area-level and summarized raster data to microdata • Sets of units and codes must match census data
Herzegovina Denmark Georgia Laos Mauri1us North Korea Saudi Arabia Tajikistan Albania Botswana Djibou/ Guatemala Latvia Moldova Norway Serbia Timor Leste Algeria Bulgaria Dominican Republic Guinea Bissau Lebanon Montenegro Oman Singapore Togo Angola Burundi Equatorial Guinea Guyana Lesotho Mozambique Papua New Guinea Slovakia Trinidad and Tobago Azerbaijan Central African Republic Eritrea Honduras Liberia Myanmar Paraguay South Korea Tunisia Bahrain Chad Estonia Hong Kong Libya Namibia Poland Sri Lanka Turkmenistan Bangladesh Comoros Ethiopia Ivory Coast Lithuania Nepal Qatar Swaziland Ukraine Belgium Croa1a Finland Japan Macedonia New Zealand Republic of Congo Sweden United Arab Emirates Benin Cyprus Gabon Kazakhstan Madagascar Niger Reunion Syria Yemen Bhutan Czech Republic Gambia Kuwait Mauritania Nigeria Russia Taiwan Zambia Zimbabwe