MAIN PRESENTER: Olivier Bilodeau
ABSTRACT: Presentation on the largely publicized threat: Linux/CDorked. We will explain in detail the behavior of the malware, discuss its variants and the impact of these new types of threats on the distribution of malware. Then, we will talk about detection, prevention and the likely cause of exploitation leading to infection and why the OWASP community should care about this new server-side malware threat type.
BIO: Coming from the dusty Unix server room world, Olivier evolved professionally in networking, information security and open source software development to finally become malware researcher at ESET Canada. Presenting at Defcon, publishing in (In)secure Mag, teaching infosec to undergrads (ÉTS), driving the NorthSec Hacker Jeopardy and co-organizer of the MontréHack training initiative are among its note-worthy successes.
WHEN: July 3rd 2013
WHERE: École Polytechnique de Montréal, 2500 chemin de Polytechnique, Montréal (Québec) H3T 1J4, pavillon #4 J.-Armand-Bombardier (JAB), Salle : J-1035