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20231024 CNSW Lightning Talk: TAG Environmental...

Phil Huang
October 24, 2023

20231024 CNSW Lightning Talk: TAG Environmental Sustainability

Phil Huang

October 24, 2023

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  1. Speaker List See CNCF Sustainability Week - Taiwan x Green

    Software Foundation at CNCF Cloud Native Taiwan User Group
  2. Lightning Talk: TAG Environmental Sustainability Cloud Native Sustainability Week Phil

    Huang <[email protected]> CNCF Ambassador / Senior Cloud Solution Architect, Microsoft 2023/10/24
  3. © 2023 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 8 1. Gain better

    insights into the current Cloud Native Sustainability Landscape 2. Raise awareness 3. Promote TAG ENV + CNCF What is Cloud Native Sustainability?
  4. © 2023 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 10 Sustainability Initiatives 1.

    Green Software Foundation (GSF) a. Software Carbon Intensity (SCI) Specificiation 2. Linux Foundation Energy (LF Energy) 3. Cloud Carbon Footprint 4. Energy Efficient High Performance Computing Working Group (EE HPC WG) 5. Open Compute Project (OCP) a. Heat Reuse
  5. © 2023 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 11 Foundation of Sustainable

    Cloud Systems Carbon Emissions of the Cloud Green Computing Carbon/Energy Accounting Img: Bing Image Creator - DALL·E 3 Design & Arch Metrics & Report Know the Source
  6. © 2023 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 12 Choose Region /

    VM Instances Img: https://www.accton.com.tw/design-and-development/ Ref: How Microsoft measures datacenter water and energy use to improve Azure Cloud sustainability | Azure Blog | Microsoft Azure • Green Power: 主要為再生能源 (Renewable Energy),來源為光 > 風 > 水 > 廢棄物 > 地熱 • Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE): 用電效率, 數字越小越好,現行 Microsoft 全球資料中心平均為 1.18,其他多數都在 1.3x ~ 1.4x 左右 • Water Usage Effectiveness (WUE): 用水效率, 單位為 L/kWh,現行 Microsoft 全球資料中心平均 為 0.49 • Carbon Usage Effectiveness (CUE): 用碳效率, 單位為 kgCO2/kWh Scope: Multi Data Centers
  7. © 2023 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 13 Power Management /

    k8s Scheduler Ref: Carbon-Aware Kubernetes • DVFS: 預設啟用 Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) 讓 CPU 自動 降低功耗和發熱 • Kubernetes Efficient Power Level Exporter (Kepler): 收集能源使用資訊 • Power Efficient Aware Kubernetes Scheduler (PEAKS): 基於 Kepler 輸出的 指標,來協助 Kubernetes 調度 Pod Scope: Within Data Center
  8. © 2023 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 14 Node Tuning /

    Pod Scaling • Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA): 現行支援 autoscaling/v2,預設提供 CPU / Memory 的 支援 • Container Level Energy Efficient VPA Recommender (CLEVER): 基於更新後的 CPU 重新計算 VPA 管理的 cpu request 建議 • TuneD: 針對作業系統進行 Kernel 或其他組件 的調教 Scope: Within a Node
  9. © 2023 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 15 Infra Tooling Scheduling

    Scaling Resource Tuning • Intel / Platform aware scheduling • Intel / Intend driven orchestration • Red Hat / Predictive Vertical Pod Autoscaler • Red Hat / Container Level Energy Efficient VPA Recommender (CLEVER) • Microsoft / KEDA • Red Hat / Node tuning via TuneD on OCP • Intel / Kubernetes Power Manager • Intel / Global Extensible Open Power Manager (GEOPM) Methodology
  10. © 2023 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 16 Observability o11y Tooling

    • gProfiler • PowerAPI: a Python framework • Kubernetes based Efficient Power Level Exporter (Kepler) • Scaphandre: Multi-platform energy consumption metrology agent • Green Metrics Tool • Cloud Carbon Footprint • InfluxData: Telegraf Collector • Carbon QL • PowerTop Methodology