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Product marketing in the industry that started ...

Product marketing in the industry that started it all

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  1. Product Marketing in the industry that started it all slide

    1 Product Marketing Summit October 17, 2019
  2. Tucows today Wholesale Retail We lobby, agitate, and educate to

    promote and protect an open Internet around the world
  3. • Every department should be enabled • Enablement requires x2

    the effort • Enablement = empowerment Enablement is beyond sales
  4. • Be the voice of the channel • Only connect

    to what makes sense • Consultative approach goes a long way Connect the dots on both sides of the coin
  5. Connect the dots on both sides of the coin Supplier

    PMM Reseller Market/Customer insights
  6. • Surface the value of alternatives • The market influences

    the value of alternatives Shifting traditional thinking slide 13
  7. • Be proactive to better react • Remove the burden

    for your customers Some things are beyond your control
  8. Recap Enablement is beyond sales Connect the dots on both

    sides of the coin Shifting traditional thinking Some things are beyond your control