As a systems administrator I want to install, configure and run ntpd Scenario: NTP client installation Given there is a running VM called "server" When I apply a puppet manifest containing: """ include cucumber_defaults class { "sf_ntpd": } """ Then a second manifest application should do nothing And there should be some processes matching /^ntpd$/ running And a process matching /^ntpd$/ should be listening on UDP port 123 vagrant-cucumber https:/ /
should be a process matching /^mongod[a-z]?$/ running on the VM called "server" And there should be a process matching /^mongod[a-z]?$/ running on the VM called "client" And there should be a process matching /^mongod[a-z]?$/ running on the VM called "slave" Then I sleep for 5 seconds And a process matching /^mongod[a-z]?$/ should be listening on TCP port 27017 on the VM called "server" And a process matching /^mongod[a-z]?$/ should be listening on TCP port 27017 on the VM called "client" And a process matching /^mongod[a-z]?$/ should be listening on TCP port 27017 on the VM called "slave" And shell command `echo "db.things.find()" | mongo` on the VM called "client" should succeed within 60 seconds And shell command `echo "db.things.find()" | mongo` on the VM called "slave" should succeed within 60 seconds And shell command `echo "db.things.find()" | mongo` on the VM called "server" should succeed within 60 seconds And shell command `echo "db.things.find()" | mongo` on the VM called "client" should succeed within 60 seconds And shell command `echo "db.things.find()" | mongo` on the VM called "server" should succeed within 60 seconds And shell command `echo "db.things.find()" | mongo` on the VM called "slave" should succeed within 60 seconds And shell command `/usr/sbin/sf-mongodb-initiate-replset,` on the VM called "server" should succeed Then I sleep for 5 seconds And the output from shell command `echo "rs.status()" | mongo` on the VM called "server" should match /"_id" : 2,/ And the output from shell command `echo "rs.status()" | mongo` on the VM called "slave" should match /"_id" : 2,/ And the output from shell command `echo "rs.status()" | mongo` on the VM called "client" should match /"_id" : 2,/ vagrant-cucumber