Spaces are a fun and safe and easy way to meet fellow students and chat about ideas that interest you! Target Users: For the scope of this course, UVIC students. Motivation
265 midterm, she doesn’t know anyone in this course yet 2. Kate enters the SENG 265 Space and is connected with Jordan, another user in the SENG 265 Space 3. Kate decides Jordan is inept and clicks “Next” 4. Kate is then connected to Taylor and they discuss certain practice problems Use Case
and account history. Also will contain information about each Space to be queried by the users during the search process. Server: Handles user-user video connection. Provides interface between users and the options for Spaces contained in the database. UX: Provides interface for adding/deleting spaces from favorites, joining a Space to initiate a video chat. Interface for account preferences. Architecture
chat working. Milestone 2: Add additional Spaces for discussion topics. Enable user profile pages with customized Space lists, most popular Spaces and a basic searching function for users to locate additional Spaces. Milestone 3: UI improvement, addition of more Spaces, enhanced search function and implementation of additional user functions such as the ‘Report’ function. Milestones