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A Case Study on Stafford, Texas: GIS and Open D...

A Case Study on Stafford, Texas: GIS and Open Data for Small Communities

Presented by Jonathan Farmer, GIS Manager, City of Stafford

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  1. •  The  City  is  7  square  miles   •  City

     limits  in  Fort  Bend  and  Harris   County   •  2013  Population:  18,285   •  ~  350,000  cars  per  day  pass  through   •  No  City  property  taxes   •  Have  the  only  Municipal  School  District   in  the  State  
  2. Timeline   Type  of  Credit   Credits  Used   Monthly

      Storage   94   Monthly   Usage  –  Published  Content   2  to  3   One-­‐Time  (August)   Usage  –  Geocoding   138  Credits  for  3,459  Locations   One-­‐Time  (August)   Usage  –  Tile  Generation   31  Credits  for  31,011  Tiles