capabiliPes in the U.S. and recommended improving data-driven decisions through GIS-based technologies and systemaPc mapping (FEMA Strategic Plan 2014-2018).
were tested, verified, and supported by HEC. HEC-GeoHMS Version 10.2 is the last version that was tested and verified to be funcPonal in ArcGIS 10.2.1 and is available from this webpage. HEC will no longer test and verify newer versions of HEC-GeoHMS that is compaPble with versions of ArcGIS that are newer than Version 10.2.1. Newer versions of HEC- GeoHMS have been made available from the ESRI FTP site; however, these newer versions have not been tested nor will they be supported by HEC. HEC is developing the necessary GIS capabiliPes directly within HEC-HMS. HEC-HMS Version 4.3 will contain the subbasin and stream delineaPon capabiliPes in HEC-GeoHMS 10.2, future versions of HEC- HMS will contain the GIS parameterizaPon features in HEC-GeoHMS 10.2. HEC-HMS Version 4.3 will be available in the Spring of 2017.
in a cloud- based environment, including common hydrological datasets. USGS DEM (3m, 10m, 30m, LiDAR) SSURGO Soils (HSG) NLCD Land Use & Pct. Impervious
based on input data. • Engineering judgment is required for iniPal constant values (i.e. Manning’s n). • Further analysis, calibraPon, and site-specific updates are necessary for reliable results (similar to HEC Geo-HMS).
6.77 HMS-PrePro 99,871 6.76 HMS-PrePro HEC-GeoHMS FEMA HMS-PrePro & HEC-GeoHMS produce the same parameters. Es@mated model is similar to the calibrated model because hydrological methods and constants were able to be es@mated from a detailed study.
– Seamless, authoritaPve, limited manual processing • Python programming may be used to speed-up common or repePPve GIS tasks. • Engineering judgement and calibraPon is necessary for accurate models.