throughout Finger pick the melody on the ukulele Xylophone bordun (ostinato – repeated pattern) Broken, simple, arpeggiated (cross over) Percussion ostinati (repeated patterns) - djembe, shakers, claves and vibraslap Play the rhythm on your body Say each rhythm in time names Transfer to the instruments (these can be traditional or home-made instruments) ‘Ooh aah scary night’ ostinato 1 – voice, recorder, glockenspiel, xylophone and Boomwhackers Put this rhythm on your body such as clap the words and click the rests Add hand signs and solfa Sing the ostinato Transfer to an instrument ‘Ooohs’ ostinato 2 – glockenspiel Sing the part with fingers going up and down a pretend ladder Add hand signs and solfa Sing the ostinato Add the follow line and harmonies Transfer to an instrument © Welcome to Music © Davies-Splitter/Splitter Mrs. White - Teaching Notes pg. 6