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Creating an inclusive engineering culture

Yenny Cheung
February 14, 2020

Creating an inclusive engineering culture

Having a tech career as a minority is challenging. It could mean being the only one to speak against the popular opinion, or becoming more visible to get the same level of recognition. What can we do to make sure everyone feels welcome and retain these talents? Creating an inclusive engineering culture helps us achieve just that. This talk shares concrete steps that we can take to improve folks from underrepresented groups' sense of belonging and engagement.

Yenny Cheung

February 14, 2020

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  1. IMAGE Yenny Cheung Engineering Manager at Yelp in Hamburg Leads

    the Women in Tech employee resource group at Yelp in Germany ABOUT ME @yennycheung
  2. What you might be thinking: “Isn’t this just about being

    decent people?” “Aren’t other people already working on this?” “Don’t we have bigger fish to fry?” “I have questions but I’m not sure if it’s ok to ask!” WHAT YOU MIGHT BE THINKING @yennycheung
  3. To set the tone: The talk is about approaches to

    create a more inclusive environment, not to shame our behaviors. We are all here to learn. I will cite some research or studies, the sources are the end of the slides. Given my experience, we will use women in tech as a case study and it will be the focus of the talk. DISCLAIMER @yennycheung
  4. Agenda for today Why do we want diversity? How to

    create an inclusive engineering culture What are inclusion and belonging? @yennycheung
  5. IMAGE Why do we want people from different cultures, backgrounds,

    and genders to join our teams? WHY DO WE WANT DIVERSITY @yennycheung
  6. WHY DO WE WANT DIVERSITY "Gender diversity can improve team

    decision-making and improve innovation capabilities for development of new products or services." - Jessica Alsford, Head of Morgan Stanley’s Research Team @yennycheung
  7. WHY DO WE WANT DIVERSITY "Organizations benefit most from gender

    diversity initiatives when they create a supportive infrastructure. " - National Center for Women in Information Technology 2014 @yennycheung
  8. IMAGE "Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is

    being asked to dance." - Vernā Myers, author and speaker on diversity WHY DO WE WANT DIVERSITY @yennycheung
  9. DIVERSITY, INCLUSION, BELONGING Diversity: Recruiting people from different cultures, backgrounds,

    and genders to tackle the diverse business challenges we face as a company. Inclusion: Ensuring everyone has the same chance to succeed. Belonging: We all deserve to have a sense of home at our company. @yennycheung
  10. So now the question becomes: How do we create a

    culture where people from all backgrounds can belong and succeed in our teams? @yennycheung DIVERSITY, INCLUSION, BELONGING
  11. 1. Top-down: make inclusion a company-wide goal. 2. Bottom-up: start

    an employee resource group. 3. How we can help in our day to day. CREATING AN INCLUSIVE CULTURE Overview @yennycheung
  12. Builds inclusion through engineering career levels COMPANY-WIDE INCLUSION @yennycheung Well-being:

    Helps create an engaging, supportive environment on team Championing: Grows an external network that actively contributes to Yelp’s diverse candidate pipeline Community: Implements programs to improve inclusivity and support across Engineering
  13. Promoting people who lack the skill to make employees feel

    welcome prevents your company’s culture from being inclusive. COMPANY-WIDE INCLUSION @yennycheung
  14. Increasing women in tech’s sense of belonging and leveling the

    playing field: 1. Provide a safe space. 2. Offer networking and professional opportunities. WOMEN IN TECH GROUP @yennycheung
  15. IMAGE Provides women in tech a safe space, because it

    is hard to fight against the system when you’re only 1 person. WOMEN IN TECH GROUP @yennycheung
  16. IMAGE Create networking and professional opportunities that can increase visibility

    to women in tech’s careers. WOMEN IN TECH GROUP @yennycheung
  17. If you are not an underrepresented group in tech, you

    can still help with kick-starting such a group. WOMEN IN TECH GROUP @yennycheung
  18. Mentorship Provide members of underrepresented groups with role models, helps

    them with their career with your own experiences. @yennycheung
  19. With a sponsor, women are 1. 70% more likely to

    have their ideas endorsed 2. 119% more likely to see them developed 3. 200% more likely to see them implemented @yennycheung *From WhereWithAll SPONSORSHIP
  20. Think about the people you last: 1. Nominated to lead

    a project 2. Recommended a book to 3. Referred to work at your company @yennycheung SPONSORSHIP
  21. Ensure Fair Recognition Recognition is an important part of creating

    a fair workplace culture. Studies show that women’s ideas are taken less seriously compared to men. @yennycheung
  22. "The amplification strategy at the White House: when a woman

    made a key point, other women would repeat it, giving credit to its author." - The Washington Post 2016 ENSURE FAIR RECOGNITION @yennycheung
  23. Practice Ally skills Create an inclusive culture through speaking up

    against racist / sexist / homophobic behaviors. @yennycheung
  24. Privilege: an unearned advantage given by society to some people

    but not all ALLY SKILLS @yennycheung *From Frame Shift Consulting”
  25. What are my privileges? @yennycheung ❏ Part of the dominant

    ethnic and/or racial group ❏ Male ❏ Masculine ❏ Cisgender (your gender is the same as that assigned to you at birth) ❏ Straight ❏ Not disabled ❏ A legal resident or citizen ❏ Speak the dominant language, especially with high-status accent ❏ Neither "too young" nor "too old" ❏ Certain height/size/shape ❏ Not a mother ❏ Not a caregiver ❏ From an upper or middle class family ❏ High caste *From Frame Shift Consulting” ALLY SKILLS
  26. Encourage one another to speak up and point out things

    that are not fair to others. Attend and lead ally skill trainings. @yennycheung ALLY SKILLS
  27. Before we encourage others to adopt a behavior, let’s set

    a good precedence. @yennycheung ALLY SKILLS