accomplish with development or pedestrian- safety infrastructure, Nintendo seems to have done for thousands of places and millions of people in just a few days Kate Abbey-Lambertz - Huffington Post @StephenYarwood
a revolutionary new way we can engage with one another, at a time where human interaction is becoming ever more scarce.” Daniel Latorre – Project for Public Spaces @StephenYarwood
Makers Librarians Community Development Staff Asset Managers Community Centre Managers Open Space Planners Main Street Co-ordinators Economic Development Staff Urban Planners Mayors, Councillor, CEOs, General Managers & Directors @StephenYarwood
ideas 2. The cards are there to help, pick one card from each pile 3. Use a different post-it note for each idea 4. Focus on interactive ideas 5. No idea is silly!
• Buskers/entertainment • Pokémon 'trail'? Lures at specific spots at specific times • Precinct/main streets working collaboratively • Businesses that are PokéStops with seating • Free Wi-Fi in key locations?