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Make your apps more engaging (/dev/world/2019)

September 03, 2019

Make your apps more engaging (/dev/world/2019)


September 03, 2019

More Decks by Zac

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  1. Tips for crafting great apps by designing for value, usability

    and motivation. Make your app more engaging Dr Zac Fitz-Walter | zacfitzwalter.com | @zacfitzwalter /dev/world/2019
  2. The ability to engage people is one of the most

    important things in app design & development.
  3. What is the value of your app? Are you delivering

    that value? Can people share that value?
  4. 1. Ask for a rating only after the user has

    demonstrated engagement with your app. 2. Don’t interrupt the user, especially when they’re performing a time-sensitive or stressful task. 3. Don’t be a pest. Apple Guidelines https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/ios/system-capabilities/ratings-and-reviews/
  5. People will leave if… 1. Your design is difficult to

    use 2. If it is unclear what it offers 3. If it’s easy to get lost
  6. You can get away with average usability if you’re the

    only app that provides a particular value.
  7. Gamification Habit Forming Behavioural Economics Design 
 Thinking Rewards &

    Incentives Intrinsic Scaffolding Behavioural Psychology Emotional Design
  8. ~4 million downloads >29 million km run 3.7 million zombie

    chases Hon, A. (2017). Five Years of Zombies, Run! Available from: https://medium.com/@adrianhon/five- years-of-zombies-run-6e090ef3fe4 (Accessed 22 August, 2019).
  9. Pajak, B. (2016). Which countries study which languages, and what

    can we learn from it? Available from: https://making.duolingo.com/ which-countries-study-which-languages-and-what-can-we-learn-from-it#fn:courses (Accessed 22 August, 2019). ~120 million users 19 distinct languages
  10. Gamification Habit Forming Behavioural Economics Design 
 Thinking Rewards &

    Incentives Intrinsic Scaffolding Behavioural Psychology Emotional Design