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Your locators are fragile! Make them strong wit...

Your locators are fragile! Make them strong with test data attributes

Anil shared lessons learned from WebdriverIO automation tests created for the E-commerce application. He shared mistakes to avoid, tools and strategies used to create future-friendly automation tests by creating test data attribute instead of reusing already existing locators.


January 21, 2020

More Decks by anilbms75@gmail.com

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  2. Can your Product Owner / business stack holder writing test

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  3. class WdioPage extends Page { // Locators get search() {

    return $('#search_input_react') } get helpLink() { return $('header > div > nav > ul > li:nth-child(3) > a') } } @anilbms75
  4. class WdioPage extends Page { // Actions async open(pagePath) {

    super.open(pagePath) } async navigateToHelp() { const helpLink = await this.helpLink; // actions await helpLink.click(); } } @anilbms75
  5. class WdioPage extends Page { // Locators get search() {

    return $('#search_input_react') } get helpLink() { return $('header > div > nav > ul > li:nth-child(3) > a') } // page path get gettingStartedPagePath(){return 'docs/gettingstarted.html'} // Actions async open(pagePath) { super.open(pagePath) } async navigateToHelp() { const helpLink = await this.helpLink; // actions await helpLink.click(); } } @anilbms75