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0-100: Cultural Differences Between the US & Korea

0-100: Cultural Differences Between the US & Korea


I've lived in Korea for 15 years, teaching English (and computers) to all levels, from kindergarten to adult. I spent my first 26 years of life & education in the US, from kindergarten to university. I grew up in a typical American family, and I'm now raising a typical Korean family.

For these reasons, I was recently approached to give a presentation on Cultural Differences between the US (my home country) and Korea (my residence) to a group of high school students in Jeonju.

Now, there are plenty of good blog posts, YouTube videos, and discussions about cultural differences between the US and Korea already available online, so I decided to take a different approach. This presentation will start with a brief overview of some facts and statistics that I've gathered from the CIA World Factbook. But then, we will dive into cultural differences that one may experience at certain milestones along a typical life journey "from birth to death" (hence, the presentation's subtitle).

Aaron Snowberger

July 16, 2021

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  1. Let ME inTrODucE mYseLf Why am I qualified to talk

    about this subject? • 26 years in America attended all levels of school grew up in an American family • 15 years in Korea taught all levels of school raising a Korean family Aaron Snowberger
  2. ComPAre & ConTrASt Size : Area • Landscape People :

    Population • Health Money : Education • Military
  3. LanD Use Korea : 18,049 km2 Landscape: ⛰🏕 🌾 🌽

    USA : 4,375,915 km2 Landscape: ⛰🏕 moRE! ~242x
  4. 334,998,398 (#3) 51,715,162 (#28) White (72.4%), Black (12.6%), Asian (4.8%),

    Other (10.2%) English (78.2%), Spanish (13.4%), Chinese (1.1%) Korean (96.2%), Foreign (3.8%) (1.99 million) PopULatIoN & DenSItY
  5. 334,998,398 (#3) 51,715,162 (#28) White (72.4%), Black (12.6%), Asian (4.8%),

    Other (10.2%) English (78.2%), Spanish (13.4%), Chinese (1.1%) Korean (96.2%), Foreign (3.8%) (1.99 million) PopULatIoN & DenSItY
  6. LifE & HeAlTh LifE KOreA Usa KorEa Usa HeAlTh Mother’s

    Mean Age (1st) 31 26.4 2.36 / 1,000 (7.6% GDP) 2.61 / 1,000 (16.9% GDP) Physician Density ($%) Maternal Mortality 11 / 100,000 (#142) 19 / 100,000 (#129) 4.7% 36.2% Obesity Infant Mortality 2.91 / 1,000 (#215) 5.22 / 1,000 (#176) 🌀 🌀🌋🌪🔥🏚 🔫 Natural Hazards Population Growth 0.26% (1.09 / woman) (#226) 0.7% (1.84 / woman) (#140) 14.4% 15.1% Below poverty Life Expectancy 82.78 80.43 95.9% 87.27% Internet
  7. LifE & HeAlTh LifE KOreA Usa KorEa Usa HeAlTh Mother’s

    Mean Age (1st) 31 26.4 2.36 / 1,000 (7.6% GDP) 2.61 / 1,000 (16.9% GDP) Physician Density ($%) Maternal Mortality 11 / 100,000 (#142) 19 / 100,000 (#129) 4.7% 36.2% Obesity Infant Mortality 2.91 / 1,000 (#215) 5.22 / 1,000 (#176) 🌀 🌀🌋🌪🔥🏚 🔫 Natural Hazards Population Growth 0.26% (1.09 / woman) (#226) 0.7% (1.84 / woman) (#140) 14.4% 15.1% Below poverty Life Expectancy 82.78 80.43 95.9% 87.27% Internet
  8. LifE & HeAlTh LifE KOreA Usa KorEa Usa HeAlTh Mother’s

    Mean Age (1st) 31 26.4 2.36 / 1,000 (7.6% GDP) 2.61 / 1,000 (16.9% GDP) Physician Density ($%) Maternal Mortality 11 / 100,000 (#142) 19 / 100,000 (#129) 4.7% 36.2% Obesity Infant Mortality 2.91 / 1,000 (#215) 5.22 / 1,000 (#176) 🌀 🌀🌋🌪🔥🏚 🔫 Natural Hazards Population Growth 0.26% (1.09 / woman) (#226) 0.7% (1.84 / woman) (#140) 14.4% 15.1% Below poverty Life Expectancy 82.78 80.43 95.9% 87.27% Internet JulY 2, 2021 UnaNImoUS coNsENt
  9. EcoNOmiC cOMpaRIsoN GroWtH 2.16% - USA 2.04% - Korea SavINg

    18.7% GDP - USA 34.8% GDP - Korea InFlaTIon 1.8% - USA 0.3% - Korea
  10. EduCAtiON (uSA*) K-6 Elementary 7-9 Junior High 10-12 High School

    Year: September - May Vacation: December, May - September Hours: ~8:30am - 3:30pm (~6:00pm)
  11. EduCAtiON (uSA*) K-5 Elementary 6-8 Middle 9-12 High School Year:

    September - May Vacation: December, May - September Hours: ~8:30am - 3:30pm (~6:00pm)
  12. MorE edUCatIoN dIFfeREnCes no unIForMs Only 19% of schools require

    uniforms LesS daYs & TimE USA: minimum of 180 days & holidays every month! Korea: minimum of 220 days moVInG cLasS There is no “home room.” Students move from class to class exTrACurRIcuLAr acTIviTIes In school: sports, clubs, leadership Out of school: jobs, dating, socializing But also: fights, drugs, skipping, vandalism
  13. A Day IN tHe lIFe: HigH sChoOL What does a

    typical day in high school look like? This video shows the difference between the USA & Korea from the perspective of two female students.
  14. Q & A Size : Area • Landscape People :

    Population • Health Money : Education • Military
  15. Q & A Size : Area • Landscape People :

    Population • Health Money : Education • Military BreAK tiME
  16. Except at night & in certain places... Typical business hours:

    9am-5pm Spanish? & $$$ In Starbucks?... But also lots of checks... Only in cities?... Only pizza?...
  17. liFE sTagES Youth : Childhood • Schooling Adulthood : Career

    • Family Elderly : Aging • Retirement
  18. Youth 0-5: Infancy 6-11: Elementary 12-18: Middle / High School

    16, 18, 21: Coming of Age 18-21: University? Adulthood 21-30: Figuring Yourself Out 31-40: Family? Career? 41-50: Career! (Mid-life Crisis?) 51-60: “Over the Hill” 61-66: The End (of career) is Near Elderly 66-70: The “Golden Years” 71-75: Aging 76-80: Slowing 81-85: The “Twilight Years” 86-100?: THE END liFE sTagES
  19. BirTh What do fathers do? What do mothers do? How

    much is it? 1st birthday? SleEP Where do kids sleep? WalKInG & TalKInG How do parents talk to kids who are just learning? 0-5: InFanCy (AlSo 1sT biRtHdaY)
  20. FirSt Day OF sChoOL First day of school customs? Buy

    anything special? MakINg FriENdS How do kids make friends? How do kids relate to friends? In & AfTer ScHoOl How do you “do” school? What do kids do after school? What about holidays? 6-11: elEMenTArY (alSO hoLIdaYs)
  21. LeArNinG to WOrK Do you help around the house? Learn

    to cook and clean? Get a part-time job? PetS Ever had a pet? What kind? What if your pet dies? ColLEge EnTraNcE exAMs Do these tests make you stress? Why or why not? What kind of peer pressure? 12-18: MidDlE / HigH sChoOL (AlSo pEeR pResSUre)
  22. 16: fIRsT caR / joB When can you learn to

    drive? How do you learn to drive? WHY do you learn to drive? 18: fIRsT loVE Anything special two young lovers do together? What if your heart is broken? 21: FirSt DriNk Any first drink traditions? What if you’re not “of age”...? 16, 18, 21: ComINg oF Age (AlSo dRIviNg / ParKInG cuLtURe)
  23. MeEt The POliCE Why might you meet the police? How

    do you feel about the police? 🦟<=🛵? ExPerIeNcE DeAtH How do you do funerals? Ever went to a friend’s funeral? MovE oUt What’s it like to move out? What’s it like on your own for the first time? 18-21: UniVErSitY? (AlSo pOLicINg CulTUre)
  24. On YoUr oWn College Graduation? What prompts the transition out?

    FirSt “ReAl” Job Anything special about a first job? FirSt “MajOR” puRcHAse What’s the first “big” thing someone might buy? 21-30: fIGurINg YoUrSelF Out
  25. GetTInG maRrIeD What is a traditional wedding like? How about

    a modern wedding? BuyINg a hOuSE What do people do with a first house purchase? When / why buy it? HavINg a bABy What is the process like? Any difficulties or benefits? 31-40: faMIlY? caREer?
  26. ChaNgES at WOrK What if you get fired? Get a

    promotion? Change your job? ExCesS $$$ This is your most prosperous decade. What do you do with the excess? Debts? Save? Invest? MidLIfe CrISis What does a midlife crisis look like? Ever heard of a ¼ life crisis? 41-50: CarEeR! (MidLIfe CrISis?)
  27. RetIRemENt ParTy What does a retirement party look like? Any

    traditional / special gifts? 61-66: The EnD (of CAreER) is NEar
  28. “GolDEn YeArS” What do you do at the beginning of

    your retirement? Travel? Move? Bored? 66-70: The “GOlDen YEarS”
  29. NurSInG hoMEs If not in nursing homes, how are the

    elderly supported? 76-80: sLowINg DowN
  30. LasT wiLl & TesTAmeNt How does inheritance work? Who gets

    what and why? Any gotchas? (Taxes, etc) 81-85: The “TwiLIgHt YeArS”
  31. The NExT gReAt aDvENtuRE What happens after death? Where does

    the body go? What about next of kin? 86-100?: The ENd
  32. ComMEnTs? Q & A Youth : Childhood • Schooling Adulthood

    : Career • Family Elderly : Aging • Retirement
  33. CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons

    by Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik ThaNkS! Does anyone have any questions? Find me @ aaron.kr Please keep this slide as attribution