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Innovation Days for Small Teams

Brian Garside
November 14, 2012

Innovation Days for Small Teams

This talk was delivered at the DIG (Digital Interactive Gaming) conference in London, Ontario on November 14, 2012.

It's intended to help people get inspired by learning about how we run our innovation days at The Info-Tech Research Group.

Brian Garside

November 14, 2012

More Decks by Brian Garside

Other Decks in Business


  1. Why do we need Innovation Days? ✴We pay our people

    well ✴ We don’t have time to do this ✴ We are afraid we won’t see value trenchescomic.com
  2. Three Factors that lead to Better Performance and Personal Satisfaction

    ✴Autonomy ✴Mastery ✴Purpose trenchescomic.com
  3. Google Time ✴20% of your time ✴Anything you want to

    do ✴Gmail ✴Google Wave ✴Chrome Operating System
  4. NOW WAIT JUST A MINUTE! You’re saying that people will

    get together and work hard on really cool things for nothing more than a little recognition? I don’t believe it!
  5. Pre-Selected Teams •The organizer chose teams, put 6-8 people together

    on a team •Looked at fit, skill sets, and strong leadership •Pros: Inclusion, teams were well balanced •Cons: Lack of autonomy, not necessarily common goals
  6. Self-Selected Teams •Allowed teams to self organize, with as many

    or as few people as you wanted to have •Pros: Autonomy, common goals •Cons: Not balanced, sometimes exclusionary
  7. Hybrid Selection •Teams were allowed to self select into 2-8

    person teams, people not on a team were assigned to teams that they would fit. •Pros: Common goals, primarily self selected, inclusionary •Cons: Not completely autonomous
  8. Team Creation •A flurry of emails •A lot of collusion

    •Ideas are shared •Varied skill sets looked at •Individuals who don’t have a team let the organizer know
  9. Idea Brainstorm •The first 30 minutes of the day is

    for idea brainstorming •Come up with an idea, how you’ll do it, and a pitch • (When we moved to self selection, we had this done before launch day)
  10. Pitch Meeting •The department gets together •Pitches are presented •Bad

    pitches are rejected via boos (so far, never happened)
  11. Work on the Idea •You have until noon the next

    day to work on your idea •No rules around where you work •No rules around how long you work •One output needs to be a slide presentation
  12. Results Meeting •Department gathers together at noon the next day

    •Executives from the rest of the company are invited •There is cake and beer •Teams present their innovation along with next steps
  13. Voting and the Winner All of the innovation ideas are

    put on a board Everyone puts a sticky note under the idea they think should win The team that is voted the winner gets a cool iron-on patch
  14. The Aftermath The winning team is allowed to complete their

    innovation idea. Executives can sponsor other ideas and have them completed.
  15. What you’re going to do: Get together with your teams.

    Figure out an idea. Make a 30 second pitch Assign a leader to deliver the pitch to the room
  16. Lessons Learned: •Include Executives at the review meeting •Size of

    team can be anything from 2-8 comfortably •We don’t let people opt out •Include “next steps” with a rough project breakdown •Self selection is better than assignments
  17. Let me repeat that... “Some people will look forward to

    working 24 hours straight and will count down the days until they can do it again.”
  18. BUT, BUT, BUT! ✴We pay our people well ✴ We

    don’t have time to do this ✴ We are afraid we won’t see value trenchescomic.com
  19. Innovation: “Likes” on content Led to related items suggestions (if

    you like this, you may like that). Helped add interactivity to a fairly static website. Increased page views because of deep linking.
  20. Innovation: Vendor Landscape App Improved SEO lead generation Created a

    better experience for our customers Saw significant traffic increase to the Vendor Landscape area
  21. Innovation: Performance Evaluation Application Simplified the creation and delivery of

    twice annual performance evaluations Is being streamlined and productized
  22. Innovation: IT Blog One place to keep all of our

    cool stuff Good place to direct people to Our sales force likes the different perspective
  23. Innovation: 147 Points of Technical Debt Reduction 5 People, working

    for 24 hours Did the work of 7 people for 5 days Bonded as a team
  24. Innovation: Training Decks/ New Hire Onboarding Plan Made bringing new

    people on board easy First week retrospectives have improved
  25. Watch This Talk On Our Blog Innovation Days for Small

    Teams http://itblog.infotech.com/talks
  26. ReWork by 37 Signals: This talk was inspired by: http://37signals.com/rework

    Drive by Daniel Pink: http://www.danpink.com/books/drive The Trenches (webcomic): http://trenchescomic.com