without using any of the standard spatial data structures ▸ Instead, they use street addresses to locate their customers/clients/patients ▸ Typically stored as tabular data (in a database or spreadsheet) 3. GEOCODING BASICS REALITY OF TABULAR DATA 3106 Olive St. St. Louis MO 63101
a street address from tabular data and matching it with an existing, georeferenced point (or polygon) on a map. 3. GEOCODING BASICS 3106 Olive St. St. Louis MO 63101
63103 Is there also an Olive Blvd.? Are there two Olive Streets in the same municipality but in different zip codes? What about Olive St. in an adjacent municipality? Does this address even still exist?
(typically a municipality) ▸ Think of this as a digital map book - it will match a street address with a given page (x,y coordinate) 4. GEOCODING IN ARCGIS ADDRESS LOCATORS
build yourself in a geodatabase ▸ Geocoding can also be done using different web services, including ESRI’s ArcGIS Online World Geocoding Service (requires a subscription) 4. GEOCODING IN ARCGIS ADDRESS LOCATORS
build yourself in a geodatabase ▸ Geocoding can also be done using different web services, including ESRI’s ArcGIS Online World Geocoding Service (requires a subscription) ▸ Composite locators combine multiple locators 4. GEOCODING IN ARCGIS ADDRESS LOCATORS
table contains references to address elements ▸ Alternate name tables can contain additional addresses that may be out of date or colloquialisms - In some locations, streets with names may also be numbered with a state or county road number (Chouteau Ave. is also MO-100) - Cole St. in Midtown used to be named Wash St. ▸ Alias tables can contain common place names for addresses - 3700 Lindell Blvd. is Morrissey Hall
styles are pre-defined ways to search for an address within a locator Style Spatial Data Type Reference Type Search Parameters US Address—Dual Ranges Lines Address range for both sides of street segment All address elements in single field US Address— Single House Point or Polygon Each feature represents an address
one (pictured) 2. Make sure you have the appropriate sets of resource data added to your map (I have had better luck with shapefiles than feature classes) 5. GEOCODING IN ARCGIS CREATE AN ADDRESS LOCATOR
one (pictured) 2. Make sure you have the appropriate sets of resource data added to your map (I have had better luck with shapefiles than feature classes) #. SECTION NAME CREATE AN ADDRESS LOCATOR