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Smart Contracts for Building a Digital Art Market

Chris Tse
October 30, 2014

Smart Contracts for Building a Digital Art Market

There is a lot of talk about how Smart Contracts implemented using blockchain-based technologies will revolutionize commercial markets, eliminate the need for governments, and guarantee personal liberty.

But how would regular people interact with these new Smart Contracts? Are they totally automated and executed only within the blockchain? Or will they involve human? If so, how?

This presentation looks at how a digital art / media sales and licensing market could be rebuilt using these 3-in-1 Smart Contracts that are: 1) designed for humans, 2) crafted by lawyers, and, of course, 3) processed by machines.

Through the lens of Monegraph 2.0, a decentralized digital art market, we will show how we can chain together a sequence of Smart Contracts to register, sell, pay for, track ownership, and distribute digital art. We believe new definition of "Smart Contract" can be the foundation of other decentralized markets that wants to navigate the gap between trustless machines and (un)trusting humans.

This talk was originally given by Chris Tse (@christse) at the Ethereum D.C. Meetup on October 30, 2014.

About the Speaker:

Chris Tse is a technologist by trade, a designer in practice, and an entrepreneur at heart. He is the founding director of CardStack (cardstack.io), an open source project bringing a common “card” runtime that allows HTML5/JavaScript apps to move seamlessly between mobile devices, cloud services, as well as decentralized blockchains. Chris was formerly the head of McGraw-Hill Education Labs, leading innovative projects that creatively mix JavaScript, NoSQL, and Big Data technologies to facilitate teaching and learning.

Before that, he led the development of social media and dynamic publishing applications at BusinessWeek Digital. Before joining the New York media industry, he co-founded three other technology startups: a database consulting shop, a messaging software company, and a network security research firm.

Chris holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Columbia University and is still very much addicted to New York City. You can follow him on Twitter at http://twitter.com/christse

Related Decks from Previous Talks:

Monegraph: Building a Blockchain-based Digital Art Market

Stacking the Card Deck [Manifesto]

Resources & Links:

MoneGraph Home Page (Current Version)

CardStack JavaScript Framework:

Ethereum Project:

Ziniki Network

Chris Tse

October 30, 2014

More Decks by Chris Tse

Other Decks in Technology


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    in English Enforced Contracts in Blockchain if tx.value < tx.basefee * 200: stop if contract.storage[tx.sender] == 0: stop k = sha3(32,tx.data[1]) if tx.data[0] == 0: if contract.storage[k + tx.sender] == 0: contract.storage[k + tx.sender] = 1 contract.storage[k] += 1 else if tx.data[0] == 1: if tx.value <= tx.datan * block.basefee * 200 or contract.storage[k]: stop i = 2 while i < tx.datan: contract.storage[k + i] = tx.data[i] i = i + 1 contract.storage[k] = 1 contract.storage[k+1] = tx.datan else if tx.data[0] == 2: if contract.storage[k] >= contract.storage[2 ^ 255] * 2 / 3: if tx.value <= tx.datan * block.basefee * 200: stop i = 3 L = contract.storage[k+1] loc = contract.storage[k+2] Code: ethereum.org
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    graph of Smart Contracts 2. Smart Contracts are 3-in-1: For humans, lawyers, and machines. 3. Align to real-world legal code to handle the edges cases. 4. Monegraph Digital Art Market will launch with Ethereum in Q1 2015. 5. Underlying architecture can be the foundation for other markets. Sum m ary
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