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Stop worrying and start shipping with structured content

Stop worrying and start shipping with structured content

Contentful Webinars

September 23, 2021

More Decks by Contentful Webinars

Other Decks in Business


  1. © 2021 Contentful Housekeeping • This webinar is being recorded;

    we will share the recording with all registrants — keep an eye on your inbox! • Please add your questions in the Q&A box, we will answer them after the presentation during the Q&A session at the end • To get in touch, write to us at [email protected]
  2. © 2021 Contentful Old-school architecture Editing Interface Your website Old-school

    CMS HTML (CSS, and JS) Content, functionality and (!) look
  3. © 2021 Contentful I had to set up the server

    and database. I had to maintain and update the CMS.
  4. © 2021 Contentful I had to set up the server

    and database. I had to maintain and update the CMS. I had to scale the system when traffic rises.
  5. © 2021 Contentful I had to set up the server

    and database. I had to maintain and update the CMS. I had to scale the system when traffic rises. I had to deal with customers breaking their websites.
  6. © 2021 Contentful HTML-based editing HTML-based content editors (WYSIWYG) are

    not a scalable content solution. You can't reuse your content on other platforms or devices! It's error-prone.
  7. © 2021 Contentful Yours truly “I want a CMS that's

    set up quickly, flexible and easy-to use. I should decide the tech stack! (and not my CMS) * because I like to use Hipster Development Stuff...
  8. © 2021 Contentful Old-school architecture Editing Interface Your website Old-school

    CMS HTML (CSS, and JS) Content, functionality and look
  9. © 2021 Contentful { "fields": { "title": { "en-US": "Hello

    world!" }, "body": { "en-US": "This is hofftastic!" } }, "metadata": { "tags": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Tag", "id": "nyCampaign" } JSON APIs * Pure content Content platform architecture * Application Programming Interface
  10. © 2021 Contentful Content platform architecture Content Delivery API (RESTful)

    Content Preview API (RESTful) Content Management API (RESTful)
  11. © 2021 Contentful Content platform architecture Content Delivery API (RESTful)

    Content Preview API (RESTful) Content Management API (RESTful) GraphQL (CDA & CPA)
  12. © 2021 Contentful The content Title Slug Color Image Body

    a reference link Some text and Title Slug Color Image Body reference link Another
  13. © 2021 Contentful Thank you! Let's do Q&A. Salma Alam-Naylor

    @whitep4nth3r | whitep4nth3r.com Stefan Judis @stefanjudis | stefanjudis.com