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Up & Running with Flutter

Up & Running with Flutter

Looking to get into Fluttering? This session aims to kickstart your journey into developing cross-platform native mobile applications with Flutter. We’ll be looking to understand how Flutter works by exploring its Architecture, Concepts as well as Dart Language which Flutter utilizes to deliver its rich developer-friendly experience.

Danvick Miller

June 26, 2020

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  1. Danvick Miller UP & RUNNING WITH FLUTTER Co-founder: Infinitysoft Tech

    Organizer: Flutter Developers Kenya & DroidconKe Opensourcerer
  2. • Web/Mobile Consultant • Flutter Fanboy • Passionate about cross-platform

    development. • Native Java Android ~ 2011 • Intel XDK - 2013 • Ionic - 2016-2017 • NativeScript - 2017-18 • FLUTTER FOR LIFE Who am I
  3. About Flutter Open-source, Maintained by Google Native Performance - 60

    FPS Android, iOS, Web, Desktop(Mac, Windows, Linux), Fuschia* Dart Programming Language Expressive beautiful UIs - different screen sizes Cross-platform UI Toolkit for Developing Native Apps Productive - Hot Reload, Pre-built Widgets
  4. What's Dart UI centric and Reactive Both JIT and AOT

    compilation Modern - Similar to both JS and Java / Kotlin Dart 1.0 was released on November 14th, 2013 by Google and was founded by Lars Bak and Kasper Lund. Compiles to Machine Code - Server, Mobile & Desktop Compiles to JavaScript (Similar to TS) - Using dart2js util
  5. Why Dart Optimized for UI JIT-compiled code is slower at

    startup, but it can have better peak performance after it runs long enough for runtime optimizations to be applied. Modern Language with Familiar Concepts - fixes mistakes by other languages Fast on all platforms - Compiles to Machine Code AOT-compiled code is guaranteed to have fast startup and consistent runtime performance, with no latency during early runs.
  6. Flutter / Dart Stats and Fun facts Github - Dart

    is the fastest growing language in 2019 - growing by up to 532% StackOverflow Survey 2019 - Flutter is the third most loved framework LinkedIn - Flutter is now the fastest growing skill among software engineers. . StackOverflow Survey 2019 - Dart entered the list of Most Loved Languages - 66%
  7. Flutter Benefits Same language shared between UI and Business Logic

    Native UI performance No depency on OEM Widgets Hot Reload with persistent state Single code base for multiple platforms
  8. Widgets Flutter's building blocks Contain a view's current configuration and

    state Describe what a view looks like Two types of Widgets: Stateful and Stateless Everything is a Widget
  9. Stateless Widgets Does not involve mutable state. Only requires the

    view's configuration information and context Can be nested indefinitely
  10. Stateful Widgets A widget that has mutable state. Mutable State:

    • Can be read synchronously when the widget is built • Might change during the lifetime of the widget Enscure state is promptly notified when such state changes - using setState method Useful when the part of the UI being described can change dynamically via user input or other events
  11. Tooling & Community • Easy integration with IntelliJ, AndroidStudio &

    VS Code • Plugins for different editors including Sublime Text, Vim, Eclipse, Atom, Emacs, etc. • DevTools - Flutter Inspector, Timeline view, Memory view, Performance view • CLI Tools • New tools - Widgets Studio, • Vibrant community accross the Globe on almost all platforms: Including Github, Twitter, StackOverflow, Gitter, Discord, Medium, Slack, YouTube
  12. Resources • Website: https://flutter.dev • Documentation: https://flutter.dev/docs, • Plugins: https://pub.dev

    • Dart https://dart.dev/docs • Youtube: Flutter Channel (Widget of the Week & Flutter in Focus Playlists), WhatsupCoders, MTECH Viral, Reso Corder, Paul Halliday.