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What Is Website Usability

What Is Website Usability

This speaker deck will teach you on what is website usability and how it is relevant in dominating your competitors. David Jenyns explains the importance of having a website that focused on your target clients. He also points out that each webpage should have 1 purpose and targets 1keyword.

This presentation is taken from the Competition Workshop. To view more of the workshop's presentations, visit http://www.crusherworkshop.com/

David Jenyns

June 18, 2014

More Decks by David Jenyns

Other Decks in Business


  1. PROOF IN WHAT YOU SAY • Can I trust you?

    • Will it work for me? • Will this product solve my problem? • In not, then what?
  2. IT’S ABOUT THEM NOT YOU • Remember your avatar •

    Write to one person • Write to an 8th grade level • Talk about the results & benefits
  3. 1 PAGE = 1 PURPOSE • A confused person doesn’t

    take action • Simple, clear, direct, no ambiguities • eg. How did you find this website? (enjoy or locate) • Tell them what to do next
  4. LESS IS MORE • 1 or 2 fonts, colors, sizes

    • Short paragraphs • Clean, clear, simple
  5. SALES IN A NUTSHELL • Headline • Myth • Who

    am I? • Offer • Features/benefits ! • Testimonials • Promise + Guarantee • Scarcity • Call to action
  6. DO AS I DO • Who are the industry leaders?

    • Me, Amazon, Zappos, Ebay,
 Double Your Dating, Frank Kern
  7. TRACKING, TRACKING, TRACKING • Can’t improve what you don’t measure

    • Set goals and monitor conversions • Always be split testing - Visual Website Optimizer ! ! !
  8. WHAT TO WATCH • # visitors • Referrers (source and

    keywords) • Bounce rate (40%+) • Time on page (1-2 mins) • Conversions (18% optins, 2% sales)
  9. ACTION PLAN • Clean up your website • Display vital

    info • Build the proof • Call to actions • Phone number • Start tracking