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How To Use Web Videos To Crush Competition

How To Use Web Videos To Crush Competition

This speaker deck will teach you how to use web videos to crush your competition. David Jenyns will teach you on how you can use this to be ahead of your competitors.

This presentation was taken from the Competition Crusher Workshop. To view the other presentations, visit http://www.crusherworkshop.com/

David Jenyns

June 18, 2014

More Decks by David Jenyns

Other Decks in Business


  1. WHAT IT DOES FOR YOU • People do business with

    people • Authenticity & transparency & keep it real • Expert positioning • Making things easier, who wants to read? • Enjoy easier rankings
  2. WHERE TO USE IT • Homepage: Big frustration, call to

    action • Service: Clear explanation • About Us: Tell your story • Autoresponder: Top Questions 10 x 10
  3. TESTIMONIALS • How were things going before us? • How

    did you find us? • Why did you choose us? • How was it working with us? ! ! • What were the results? • What'd it mean to you? • Why would you recommend us? • Anything else you'd like to add?
  4. WHAT YOU’LL NEED • Lights • Camera • Tripod •

    Microphone • iMove or Movie Maker • ScreenFlow or Camtasia
  5. CHECK ONE, TWO • Lights • Turn off external light

    sources • Follow 3 point system • Balance (contrast is key)
  6. DON’T BE PERFECT... • 300+ videos in 3 years •

    Quantity vs quality • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du3xnRe2U0E • Start with 4-5 videos
  7. MY RECORDING TIPS • Speak to the camera • Don't

    read from a script • Don't be Danoz Direct • Zoom in and out at cuts
  8. THE STRUCTURE OF VIDEO • Intro (professional & hook) www.istock.com

    • Lower third • Always include your url • Outro (call to action) • Music
  9. CHANNEL SECRETS • Selecting your user name • Change background

    image • Set your channel type • Tell them to subscribe
  10. OPTIMISING YOUR VIDEOS • Select Keywords • Titles • Description

    (remember to include your url) • Tags • What is your competition doing?
  11. UNDERSTANDING THE ALGORITHM • Back links + Embeds • Views

    + Ratings + Comments • Age • Playlists • Channel views • Subscribers • Dave’s got a secret
  12. PROOF IN THE PUDDING • Trading system #2, 3 &

    5 • Best stock broker #1 • Trading plan #1 • Achieve financial freedom #1 • Forex seminar #1 • Daryl Guppy - owned
  13. VIDEO IDEAS • Live video, screen capture, Keynote, animation, slide

    shows • Workshops, interviews, tutorials, Q&A, reviews, parodies • Make it easy on yourself ! !
  14. ACTION PLAN • Open a YouTube account • Put video

    on most trafficed pages • Collect testimonials • We can do it for you