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What Are Autoresponders?

What Are Autoresponders?

This speaker deck will teach you about autoresponders and how it can help you get ahead of your competition. David Jenyns will teach you and give recommendations on how you can use this tool effectively.

This presentation was taken from the Competition Crusher Workshop. To learn more, visit http://www.crusherworkshop.com/

David Jenyns

June 18, 2014

More Decks by David Jenyns

Other Decks in Business


  1. WHY CREATE A WHITE PAPER • Most people come and

    go • Capture their email • Trust and rapport • Position yourself as an expert • Law of reciprocity & micro commitment
  2. HOW TO CRAFT ONE • Get inside the client’s head

    - it's about them, not you • The magic number 3, 5, 7 • Introduce your business at the end • Remember the call to action • e.g. Melbourne SEO Manifesto
  3. PROMOTE THE HECK OUT OF IT • Self hosted vs

    service • Use aweber.com / getresponse.com • Make them an offer • Get a nice graphic • Have a link to it on all pages / above the fold
  4. AUTOMATIC SALES MACHINE • Free report (1 day)! • Who

    we are (3 day) • Services we offer (6 day) • Can I help? (7 day) • Testimonials (10 day)
 • Good content (14 day) • Make them an offer (18 day) • Keep adding content
 (ever couple weeks) • Get 12 months worth
  5. EMAILS THAT CONVERT • Multi modes: text, video, audio, pdf

    • Conversational / personal tone (write to a friend) • Short and to the point • Read it aloud and then re-read it • Optimise your landing page
  6. ANATOMY OF AN EMAIL • From • Subject: • Personalisation

    {firstname} • Link at the top, bottom and middle • Call to action • Using "=====" • 64 characters long
  7. DATABASE GOLDMINE • Survey your list - trading database •

    4 day cash machine - MFC launch • Product launches - TYTP launch • Affiliate promotion - OTM launch

    blog in the niche • Interview the expert • Record a seminar @ breakeven • Get video testimonials on the day • Create a product
 • Do a product launch • You don't need high quality products but that's cause there's no competition • Use snippets from course to promote on YouTube
  9. TRIPLE YOUR TRADING PROFITS • Stuart McPhee • Recorded seminar

    (37 people) • Created DVDs • Product launch
 (113 copies @ $340 @ launch) • Use snippets on YouTube • We're creating product here
 and we did it last workshop
  10. OTM PRODUCT LAUNCH • Building a list or tapping a

    database • x3 pitch free content videos • x1 selling the high end product • OnlineTradingMastermind.com ! ! • Video 1 = 2400 (15% watched through) • Video 2 = 1400 (10% watched through) • Video 4 = 2500 • 22 x $1697
  11. ACTION PLAN • Download our whitepaper and write yours •

    Setup Optin • Create email series • Survey your list • Need help?