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How To Use Social Media To Crush Comepetition

How To Use Social Media To Crush Comepetition

This speaker deck will teach you on how to use social media to crush your competition. David Jenyns will share his strategies on how he positioned his business as a market leader using the right social media platforms.

This presentation is taken from the Competition Crusher Workshop. To view the other presentations, visit http://www.crusherworkshop.com/

David Jenyns

June 18, 2014

More Decks by David Jenyns

Other Decks in Business


  1. BECOME A MARKET LEADER • Cutting edge • Distributing content

    asap • Engaging with clients • Be transparent & real
  2. WHAT’S THE SECRET? • Tell your story (MelbSEO) • Interviews

    (PodcastInterviews.com) • Pick a side (Don’t use indicators) • Run events (MelbSEO) ! • Document results • Create your own language
 (Product Names) • Get content syndicated
 (Media, speaking)
  3. WEB2.0 THE WAY I SEE IT • Not for every

    business • Needs ongoing management • Hard to quantify ROI • Meet the clients where they are • Show you care
  4. TWITTER • Engage with clients • Keep them informed •

    Sharing industry news • Don’t follow everyone www.twitter.com/davidjenyns
  5. FACEBOOK PAGES • Bonding with you • Why do people

    use it? • Using competitions • Planet 13, dentist, photography www.facebook.com/SEOmastermind
  6. ACTION PLAN • Start expert positioning • Start watching your

    market • Register your Twitter + FB • Engage with your clients