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Pilviväylä – Workshop 19-May-2014 Agenda and previous WS results

Pilviväylä – Workshop 19-May-2014 Agenda and previous WS results

EduCloud Alliance

May 19, 2014

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  1. 1 21/05/2014 Pilviväylä – Workshop 19-May-2014 Tieteiden talo, Helsinki Jarkko

    Moilanen OKM, Timo Väliharju COSS, Kirsi Pispa CSC, Anna Wilkman COSS, Jukka Kääriäinen VTT, Raija Kuusela VTT
  2. 2 21/05/2014 Workshop Agenda 19-May-2014  09:30 – 10:00 Coffee

    and Registration  10:00 – 10:10 Opening (Jarkko Moilanen)  10:10 – 10:30 Summary of the results of the workshop on 09-May-2014  10:30 – 10:50 Introduction of the workshop method  Four groups, World Cafe –method with three phases  10:50 – 11:00 Expectations of the workshop (Jarkko Moilanen)  11:00 – 12:00 Workshop (First phase)  12:00 – 13:00 Lunch  13:00 – 14:00 Workshop (Second phase)  14:00 – 14:15 Break  14:15 – 15:00 Presentations (Third phase)  15:00 – 15.45 Planning next steps  15:45 - 16:00 Summary and Closing (Jarkko Moilanen)
  3. 3 21/05/2014 Summary of the Results of 09-May-14 Workshop 

    Four groups, totally appr. 30 people  Active and enthusiastic people working together  Many findings contribute to the product management plan  However, numerous questions were raised  The results function as the input to today’s workshop  Theme 1: role descriptions  Theme 2: consortium rules  Theme 3: financing and ownership  Theme 4: risk management
  4. 4 21/05/2014 Theme 1 – Role Descriptions  Issues that

    could be discussed but are not limited to:  Which roles are needed? What is the interest/motivation of each role?  What is the highest authority/group in consortium that makes the decisions about the features of Pilviväylä SW? What kind of alternatives there are?  What are the responsibilities of the consortium.  What is the role of steering group/support group? Roadmaps, visions?  Who is Product Manager? Tasks?  Who is Coordinator (openness)? Tasks?  What is the role of the ministry (OKM)?  Roles and responsibilities of developer community?  Roles and responsibilities of the development core team?  Role of schools and teachers in consortium?  Prioritization of new requirements and change requests: who decides?
  5. 5 21/05/2014 Theme 2 – Consortium Rules  Issues that

    could be discussed but are not limited to:  How to propose new ideas/features?  Users (schools, etc.)?  Developers: GitHub issues?  How to handle communication (consortium internal/external)? Linkedin? Facebook?, …  How the changes to Pilviväylä will be handled (how, who)? Collecting ideas/proposals, analysing, change request, decision, implementation, acceptance to production?  What are the documentation requirements of Pilviväylä? What needs to be documented to enable development?  How to handle version management? How to analyse/integrate external contributions/components?  Consortium terms & conditions: agreement, entering/leaving consortium, …
  6. 6 21/05/2014 Theme 3 – Financing and Ownership  Issues

    that could be discussed but are not limited to:  Owner of Pilviväylä in different life cycle phases: pilot phase – owner = ministry, production phase – owner = ”commercial actor”, internationalisation phase – owner = ”commercial actor” ? The role of EduCloud consortium as an owner?  How to finance:  the development of Pilviväylä  maintenance  product management activities and roles (product mgr, coordinator, operation of consortium, …) => e.g. Establishing Pilviväylä and the consortium (2014)(subscription fee) => 2015: Pilviväylä will be financed by the customers (who?) of the Pilviväylä => (it might take a while until the operation ”pays itself”).  How to allocate expences between partners (management work, maintenence, future development of Pilviväylä)?  How to help the deployment and usage of Pilviväylä in municipalities? E.g. municipalities can get ”seed money” (siemenraha) or service vouchers (palveluseteli) to acquire educational material from Bazaar/Pilviväylä (are there other possibilities). How to follow where the money has gone?  Business models of the consortium?
  7. 7 21/05/2014 Theme 4 – Risk Management  Issues that

    could be discussed but are not limited to:  Definition of the product/service (Pilviväylä/EduCloud) under development, who is the customer?  Purchasing process: how schools/users buy material?  If ending with Bazaar owned by the OKM, what is the business model?  Open standards, APIs and interfaces?  Finnish X-Road?  Information security in Pilviväylä?  How to involve parents to consortium?
  8. 8 21/05/2014 Workshop Introduction  World Cafe –method  Four

    groups – four themes  Three phases  Finding solutions/answers  Developing and documenting solutions  Presentations
  9. 9 21/05/2014 Workshop – First Phase 1 2 3 4

    1st round 15 min, 2nd round 10 min, 3rd round 10 min, 4th round 10 min  45 min
  10. 10 21/05/2014 Workshop – Second Phase 1 2 3 4

    Four groups in parallel  45 min