and term structure will be circulated. Students will also be given the materials kit and a remit to experiment. As an initial exercise, they will be individually looking at jointing techniques - using bamboo - and producing a SURWRW\SHVWRROLQWLPHIRUWKHÀUVWPHHWLQJZLWKWKHWXWRUVLQSDLUV )RUWKHÀUVWWXWRULDOWKH\ZLOOEHH[SHFWHGWR 1) Individually research and present 3 x 1:1 jointing experiments 2) Produce a stool using one of the three joints (in pairs) 02/12/14 INTRODUCTION (MVL, MYL, FE - 6 hours teaching) A fuller introduction to the project will be presented, alongside a summary of the truss project last year. Review outcomes from initial brief. The students will be split in to 3 groups of 4. They will all be looking at structure and construction techniques using their experimentation from the last week as a springboard to develop designs for the Assembly Hall. 2XWFRPH 1)1:50 model of structure 2)1:1 details of typical connections 09/12/14 PRE-HOLIDAY (MYL, MVL, FE @Sugarhouse Studios, 6 hours teaching) The research and design proposals will be presented in group reviews. The designs should begin to address the practical issues that will be a challenge for any built work that will be the centre of the summer exhibition. At the end of the session, Assemble will give a tour of sugarhouse and a presentation on past projects and construction. 2XWFRPH 1) Presentation to the Client Body 2) Consequential structural approach, cladding investigations for BA students 3) 1:20 model 4) 1:1 details of all connections ~~~~~CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS ~~~~~ WEEK1 06/01/15 PRESENTATION TO THE DEGREE SHOW WORKING GROUP (MVL, FE - 4 hours teaching) The work to date will be reviewed by a team consisting of BA tutors who will be leading Making Week and the graduating MA students – together these will form the “client team” and act as a steering group. 2XWFRPH 1) Establishment of detailed brief with critical input from working group 2) Sketch ideas for cladding systems 08/01/15 REVIEW (MYL, FE - 4 hours teaching) $QRSSRUWXQLW\WRUHÁHFWRQWKHSUHVHQWDWLRQHDUOLHULQWKHZHHN(DFKJURXSZLOOVWDUWWRH[DPLQHV\VWHPVIRUFODGGLQJDQG tempering the environment, the other students will produce an updated package of drawings and details for review in the Engineering session. 2XWFRPH 1) Research cladding options 2) Produce 1:1 details of all connections WEEK2 13/01/15 PRESENTATION TO ENGINEER (MVL, MYL - 4 hours teaching) 1:1 prototypes will form the basis of the conversation with a structural engineer. With the size and functionality of WKHVWUXFWXUHFOHDUO\GHÀQHGDQGGLVFXVVHGLQWKHSUHYLRXVUHYLHZZRUNVKRXOGEHJHDUHGWRZDUGVSURGXFWLRQDQGDQ understanding of the economies of scale available. 2XWFRPH 1) Incorporate engineering input 2) Develop outline proposal for BA involvement in making week 15/01/15 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT (MVL, FE - 4 hours teaching) Updated designs will be reviewed. The three groups will present how their designs and structural systems will be continued by the BA students on a smaller scale. 2XWFRPH JURXSVWRFRPSLOHÀQDOSUHVHQWDWLRQIRUVWHHULQJJURXS WEEK3 20/01/15 PRESENTATION TO THE DEGREE SHOW WORKING GROUP (MVL, MYL - 4 hours teaching) The work to date will be reviewed by the “client team”. The most promising design will be selected and testing from this point onwards should start to have a real focus on both construction techniques and craftsmanship. Students will be brought together into one large team, so resourcing will be discussed and work will be allocated across the group. 2XWFRPH 7HDPVWUXFWXUHGHÀQHG 2) Work to construct one bay of the chosen design as a full prototype 22/01/15 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT (MYL, FE - 4 hours teaching) Work towards the full scale experiments will be reviewed – preparations will be made for one ‘bay’ of the hall to be constructed. The whole year should be acting as a single collective, with pairs taking responsibility for a part of the project. 2XWFRPH &RPSOHWHÀUVWED\DQGDQDO\VHKRZWKLVFDQEHGHOLYHUHGHIÀFLHQWO\LQPDNLQJZHHN WEEK4 27/01/15 TEAM - BUILDING (MVL, FE - 4 hours teaching) Each pair should be working on preparing for making week and the presentation to the BA students. How do their joints or LQÀOZRUN":KDWMLJVGRWKH\QHHGWRFRQVWUXFW"+RZPDQ\FDQEHPDGHLQDZHHN" 2XWFRPH &RPSLOH3UHVHQWDWLRQIRUÀQDOPHHWLQJZLWKVWHHULQJJURXS 29/01/15 CLIENT TEAM REVIEW (MYL, FE - 4 hours teaching) Final designs and plan for making week signed off by working group. 2XWFRPH 1) Place orders for materials WEEK5 03/02/15 MAKING WEEK PREP (MYL, MVL - 4 hours teaching) Logistical preparations and workstation tests will be reviewed along with material for the Introductory Presentation and BA handouts. 2XWFRPH 1) Final preparations for Making week ~~~~~WEEK6. MAKING WEEK~~~~~ 09/02/15 INTRODUCTION- (MYL, MVL, FE - 3 hours teaching total) The work to date presented to the BA students and accompanied by a handout. The intention is that the consolidation of WKLVERG\RIUHVHDUFKLVQRWRQO\DQRSSRUWXQLW\IRUWKH0$VWXGHQWVWRUHÁHFWDQGUHÀQHEXWDOVRDVDSODWIRUPIRUWKH%$ students to work from and to investigate at a smaller, more intricate scale. WEEK7 17/02/15 REVIEW (MVL, MYL, FE - 6 hours teaching) The project will be evaluated and the discussion will focus on how lessons / skillls learnt can be applied to studio work. Programme