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[AES_17] Maria Lisogorskaya

[AES_17] Maria Lisogorskaya

Escola da Cidade

November 26, 2014

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  1. Petrol Station becomes Picture Palace Petrol Station Facade + Sign

    The Cineroleum during the day Foyer + Ticket Booth The Cineroleum during a peformance Auditorium, Filp-up Cinema Seats + Festoon Curtain
  2. Cinema seats: scaffold boards Illumnated sign: painted MDF Foyer furniture:

    Formica marquetry Ceiling tiles from hand-made vacuum-former Practice: Collective Construction
  3. 1. To provide affordable access to space and tools 3.

    To encourage learning through making 4. To connect to other workshops and making facilities in London, and the world 2. To create a social space

    FUTURE Fig5. 2-12 Stratford High Street. low density carwash to high density residential 100 A d v e ntu re P lay g ro un d T C B 98 102 9 .4 m 96 Bradley House V ulcan Bolla rd 5 .7 m Bow Bridge BOW ROAD P o st HIG H STREET Bo llard s 1 to 32 Factory 6 F oo t B rid ge W harf Su b Sta 6 .2 m 82 6 .5 m E l Sl SM 80 68 Short Wall 2 B o l Play grou nd 4 .3 m B o l 119 TO 121 D epot LEGGATT ROAD Poi nt Sh elte r 35 T C B 10a S u b 4 .6 m 5 .6 m 1 to 23 S h elte r M P 5 .3 m 133 Bol 22 23 Bols E l City M ill L ock MARSHG ATE LANE FB 3 13 S ta HUNT'S LA NE 84 17 64 B o l 46 113 125 to 13 1 B o l 25 10 to 12 Aubr ey Moo re 7 to 11 B o l 1 111 135 28 E l 62 1 to 6 W B 26 C h y W arehouse S u b W orks B o l Groves W orks 1 5 .6 m 2 to 24 Bridge 82 HIG H STREET S tas 11 Factory 4 .8 m 4 .6 m W arehouse SUGAR HOUSE LANE M P 86 48 AB BOT SB URY CLO SE 6 .4 m E l S u b S ta M P 85 to 92 93 to 96 97 to 104 105 to 11 2 City M ill Ri ver Pat h 113to124 1to8 9to20 21to28 9 37 Path (um ) Tunnel CR Un d CR Boro Con st & Wa rd Bdy Def Bo ro Const and CR 1 to 1 3 2 T h e L o ck B u ild in g L od ge Nu rse ry T ud or E l S u b S ta M arsh Gate MARSHG ATE LANE Business Centre 95 72 to 78 Sugar House Yard 28 1 to 140 16 1 to 23 Bol Bol Sh elte r H ouse BLACKW ALL TU NNEL 1 to 30 A lton H ouse NORT HERN APPROACH 1 to 50 Prioress ROAD HIG H STREET 246 PH Bow Back River 1 to 20 W orks BOW House Foxl ey F B BLAKER ROAD Three Mills Wall River C entral Ho use HIGH STREET W orks 32 to 66 W harf 7 to 14 M eeson's or Lee PH Bow Back River City M ill River River Lea 1 to 2 0 2 1 to 38 26 30 1 to 57 18 46 to 66 24 to 45 22 C h y 5.i 2-12 Stratford High Street 2012 Extremely low density. One car wash station, two billboards and a vacant single story warehouse 5.ii 2-12 Stratford High Street 2020 Planning permission received for extremely high density residential use in 15 and 35 story towers. Density = 868 u/ ha. The guideline density (The London Plan 2011) for an urban location is up to 650 u/ha.
  5. PAGE 61 MAKE, DON’T MAKE DO CONDITIONS 1. Shops, restaurants,

    cafes, services (equivalent to use classes A1-A5 & sui generisis) 1.1 Capricorn Property Services 1.2 Porsche 1.3 Meet & Eat 'DQH·V<DUG.LWFKHQ 1.5 Jhankaar Club 7KUHH0LOO·V&DIH 1.7 Dulux 1.8 Dacca Cash & Carry 1.9 Tesco 7KH0LOOHU·V&DIH 7KUHH0LOOV6WXGLR 1.12 McDonalds 1.13 Greenlight Youth Centre Cafe 1.14 Carmelite Cafe 1.15 Noor (Barber shop) 1.16 Noor 2 (Ladies Hairdressers) 1.17 Bow Cash & Carry 1.18 Euromaster 1.19 Bow Fish & Chips 1.20 Un-named Grocery Store 1.21 Hussain’s Convenience Store 1PTU0GmDF 1.23 Laundry Room & Dry Cleaning 1.24 Illma Superstore 1.25 Convenience Store 1.26 Chicken Shop 1.27 Blue Anchor pub 1.28 Pukka Tukka 1.29 Happy Off Licence 1.30 Tesco Express 1.31 Ladbrokes 1.32 Convenience Store 1.33 Viewtube Estate Agents Garage, Showroom Cafe for construction workers Restaurant Belly-dancing nightclub Low cost cafe Trade paint supplies Asian wholesale food Superstore Cafe Private catering 2. Businesses (equivalent use class B1-B8) $SSOHE\ :RRG 2.2 Mattex 2.3 WJ Curley & sons 2.4 Saga 2.5 Diagon 2.6 Charles Hamilton 2.7 Marshgate Lane Estate i. Bangla TV ii. Pheonix Motor Engineerings LLL:ROVHOH\8. iv. Skanska Construction v. Bam Nuttal YL6XSSO\8.+LUH6KRSV vii. Boski LTD viii. Art Conservation Systems L[$QG\·V0RWRUV [(QYLURQPHQWDO6FLHQWLÀFV*URXS [L5LFKOLQH*UDSKLFV [LL)LOHEDQN5HFRUGV0DQDJHPHQW [LLL5*%'LJLWDO [LY,PWHFK* + [Y&DOLEUDWHG(QWHUSULVH xvi. Jay Visa Services 2.8 Rani LTD 5LYHUEDQN6WXGLRV 2.10 CW Plant Hire %UDQGRQ+LUH /DQG3URS 2.13 Light Armoury 2.14 Basket makers -NAME 2.15 Blitz Rigging 2.16 Barclays Bike Storage 7KUHH0LOOV)LOP6WXGLRV %RZ+DQG&DU:DVK &DORU*DV ,GHDO)XUQLWXUH 2.21 Leycol 8QQDPHGPHFKDQLFV 2.23 Petit Forestier 75$'6FDIIROGLQJ 2.25 Unity Tyre Co Ltd. 2.26 Bow Arts Studios 2.27 Digital Print & Sign UK 2.28 Wish Oriental 'JMN0GmDF 2.30 Artswrap 2.31 Lazer Link 2.32 Vivah Productions 2.33 Kovers Events Accountants Carpets & Rugs wholesale Oils & Fats processing Chartered Accountants Set & Prop Builders Estate agent in a billboard Foreign Language TV Car repairs Electrical parts Construction Construction Plant Hire Beds & bed parts Conservation supplies Mechanic Construction, testing Print Graphics Document storage Print Graphics M&E Construction Travel services Whiolesale tool supply Artist studios Construction Plant Hire Construction Plant Hire Developers Weaponry Props Woven goods Rigging and rental Bike storage & repair Film Studios Car wash Bottled Gas supplier Furniture distributor Printing Mechanics Refridgerated vehicle rental Scaffolding 4. Institutions, Assembly & Leisure (equivalent use class D1-D2, 6XJDUKRXVH6WXGLRV %ULWLVK$FDGHP\RI1HZ0XVLF 4.3 Chain Reaction Theatre Co. 4.4 Urban Development .LQJVZD\,QWHUQDWLRQDO&KULVWLDQ&HQWUH 7KH0LOOHU·V+RXVH 7KUHH0LOOV6WXGLR6FUHHQLQJ5RRPV 4.8 Bow Church 4.9 Bow Baptist Church 4.10 Our Lady & St Catherine of Siena church 4.11 Bow Muslim Cultural Centre 4.12 Greenlight Youth Centre 4.13 Bow Arts 4.14 High Faith Christian Centre 4.15 Bromley By Bow Centre 4.16 Old Palace Primary School 4.17 Abbey Lane Nursery 5HVLGHQWLDO HTXLYDOHQWXVHFODVV&& 5HVLGHQWLDO 3.2 Temporary housing/camping 3.3 Three Mills Mooring 3.4 The Sugarhouse [Live/work] 5. Transport 3XGGLQJ0LOO/DQH'/5 5.2 Bus Stop 5.3 Mooring 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.3 5.3 2.7 xv 2.7 xvi 3.1 3.1 2.30 2.31 2.32 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 4.3 4.4 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.16 4.17 4.1 4.2 4.15 3.1 3.1 3.1 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.30 1.33 1.29 1.25 1.24 1.23 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.5 2.6 2.7 i 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.17 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.29 2.7 ii 2.7 iii 2.7 iv 2.7 v 2.7 vi 2.7 ix 2.7 x 2.7 xi 2.7 xii 2.7 vii 2.7 viii 2.7 xiii 2.7 xiv 2.33 9DFDQWXQGHUFRQVWUXFWLRQ ;9DFDQWVLWHEXLOGLQJ
  6. Joints Inventory of bamboo jointing techniques, Grow Your Own House

    (Vitra, 2000) chairs play accessories cup holders We will explore the exciting opportunities provided by joining bamboo; and explore the involvement of other materials in the process. E.g. concrete may be used to give mini ‘feet’ foundations to the vertical poles; hemp and resin FRXOGEHXVHGWRFUHDWHSHUPDQHQWFRQQHFWLRQVVWHHORU&1&HGVKHHWWLPEHULVDQHIÀFLHQWGU\DVVHPEO\WHFKQLTXH
  7. 25/11/14 BRIEF + MATERIAL KITS An introduction to the course

    and term structure will be circulated. Students will also be given the materials kit and a remit to experiment. As an initial exercise, they will be individually looking at jointing techniques - using bamboo - and producing a SURWRW\SHVWRROLQWLPHIRUWKHÀUVWPHHWLQJZLWKWKHWXWRUVLQSDLUV  )RUWKHÀUVWWXWRULDOWKH\ZLOOEHH[SHFWHGWR 1) Individually research and present 3 x 1:1 jointing experiments 2) Produce a stool using one of the three joints (in pairs) 02/12/14 INTRODUCTION (MVL, MYL, FE - 6 hours teaching) A fuller introduction to the project will be presented, alongside a summary of the truss project last year. Review outcomes from initial brief. The students will be split in to 3 groups of 4. They will all be looking at structure and construction techniques using their experimentation from the last week as a springboard to develop designs for the Assembly Hall.  2XWFRPH 1)1:50 model of structure 2)1:1 details of typical connections 09/12/14 PRE-HOLIDAY (MYL, MVL, FE @Sugarhouse Studios, 6 hours teaching) The research and design proposals will be presented in group reviews. The designs should begin to address the practical issues that will be a challenge for any built work that will be the centre of the summer exhibition. At the end of the session, Assemble will give a tour of sugarhouse and a presentation on past projects and construction. 2XWFRPH 1) Presentation to the Client Body 2) Consequential structural approach, cladding investigations for BA students 3) 1:20 model 4) 1:1 details of all connections ~~~~~CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS ~~~~~ WEEK1 06/01/15 PRESENTATION TO THE DEGREE SHOW WORKING GROUP (MVL, FE - 4 hours teaching) The work to date will be reviewed by a team consisting of BA tutors who will be leading Making Week and the graduating MA students – together these will form the “client team” and act as a steering group.  2XWFRPH 1) Establishment of detailed brief with critical input from working group 2) Sketch ideas for cladding systems 08/01/15 REVIEW (MYL, FE - 4 hours teaching) $QRSSRUWXQLW\WRUHÁHFWRQWKHSUHVHQWDWLRQHDUOLHULQWKHZHHN(DFKJURXSZLOOVWDUWWRH[DPLQHV\VWHPVIRUFODGGLQJDQG tempering the environment, the other students will produce an updated package of drawings and details for review in the Engineering session. 2XWFRPH 1) Research cladding options 2) Produce 1:1 details of all connections WEEK2 13/01/15 PRESENTATION TO ENGINEER (MVL, MYL - 4 hours teaching) 1:1 prototypes will form the basis of the conversation with a structural engineer. With the size and functionality of WKHVWUXFWXUHFOHDUO\GHÀQHGDQGGLVFXVVHGLQWKHSUHYLRXVUHYLHZZRUNVKRXOGEHJHDUHGWRZDUGVSURGXFWLRQDQGDQ understanding of the economies of scale available.  2XWFRPH 1) Incorporate engineering input 2) Develop outline proposal for BA involvement in making week 15/01/15 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT (MVL, FE - 4 hours teaching) Updated designs will be reviewed. The three groups will present how their designs and structural systems will be continued by the BA students on a smaller scale. 2XWFRPH  JURXSVWRFRPSLOHÀQDOSUHVHQWDWLRQIRUVWHHULQJJURXS WEEK3 20/01/15 PRESENTATION TO THE DEGREE SHOW WORKING GROUP (MVL, MYL - 4 hours teaching) The work to date will be reviewed by the “client team”. The most promising design will be selected and testing from this point onwards should start to have a real focus on both construction techniques and craftsmanship. Students will be brought together into one large team, so resourcing will be discussed and work will be allocated across the group.  2XWFRPH  7HDPVWUXFWXUHGHÀQHG 2) Work to construct one bay of the chosen design as a full prototype 22/01/15 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT (MYL, FE - 4 hours teaching) Work towards the full scale experiments will be reviewed – preparations will be made for one ‘bay’ of the hall to be constructed. The whole year should be acting as a single collective, with pairs taking responsibility for a part of the project. 2XWFRPH  &RPSOHWHÀUVWED\DQGDQDO\VHKRZWKLVFDQEHGHOLYHUHGHIÀFLHQWO\LQPDNLQJZHHN WEEK4 27/01/15 TEAM - BUILDING (MVL, FE - 4 hours teaching) Each pair should be working on preparing for making week and the presentation to the BA students. How do their joints or LQÀOZRUN":KDWMLJVGRWKH\QHHGWRFRQVWUXFW"+RZPDQ\FDQEHPDGHLQDZHHN" 2XWFRPH  &RPSLOH3UHVHQWDWLRQIRUÀQDOPHHWLQJZLWKVWHHULQJJURXS 29/01/15 CLIENT TEAM REVIEW (MYL, FE - 4 hours teaching) Final designs and plan for making week signed off by working group.  2XWFRPH 1) Place orders for materials WEEK5 03/02/15 MAKING WEEK PREP (MYL, MVL - 4 hours teaching) Logistical preparations and workstation tests will be reviewed along with material for the Introductory Presentation and BA handouts.  2XWFRPH 1) Final preparations for Making week ~~~~~WEEK6. MAKING WEEK~~~~~ 09/02/15 INTRODUCTION- (MYL, MVL, FE - 3 hours teaching total) The work to date presented to the BA students and accompanied by a handout. The intention is that the consolidation of WKLVERG\RIUHVHDUFKLVQRWRQO\DQRSSRUWXQLW\IRUWKH0$VWXGHQWVWRUHÁHFWDQGUHÀQHEXWDOVRDVDSODWIRUPIRUWKH%$ students to work from and to investigate at a smaller, more intricate scale. WEEK7 17/02/15 REVIEW (MVL, MYL, FE - 6 hours teaching) The project will be evaluated and the discussion will focus on how lessons / skillls learnt can be applied to studio work. Programme
  8. Each group will be given starter kits as a framework

    for material experiment. They may employ digital fabrication techniques such as CnC for developing their joints, as well as other machines and hand tools available in 3D worksops large. We will give out relevant reading lists and circulate PDFs with the relevant construction information to guide and inspire the students. These will look at a rang of bamboo techniques This year we will develop construction techniques and build beautiful structures using bamboo. Making the most of the art school platform, students will have the opportunity to play with and develop existing popular techniques ZLWKWKLVÁH[LEOHPDWHULDO7KHUHLVDQLQFUHDVLQJDZDUHQHVVRI%DPERR¶VTXDOLWLHVLQ(XURSHDQDQG$PHULFDQ construction, beyond the countries where it is already well used such as Brazil, China, Indonesia and Japan. Bamboo has been used in a wide range of architectural typologies, from quick assembly scaffolding to sky high cathedral structures. These are some of the qualities of bamboo, which make it an ideal material for impressive temporary construction: - Lightweight - Strong - Easy to cut - Easy to drill through - Can be bent - Has integral modularity - Can be joined through a range of techniques which can use tape, rope, CNCed elements, traditional joinery - It is a natural unprocessed material, which can be grown - It is relatively cheap, and there are multiple UK suppliers such as UK Bamboo Students should read: Grow Your Own House; Vitra Design Museum publication 2000 Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures, Technical University Eindhoven Students should visit: Bamboo Bicycle workshop in Hackney Wick Some building examples Bamboo Cathedrale by Simón Vélez, Colombia Mason Lane Farm Equipment Building, Goshen, Kentucky, US Passive House by Karawitz Architecture, France Canvas Library, by Ibuku, Indonesia Bamboo Bamboo: (12no.) 60/70mm Natural Moso Bamboo Poles x 1 metre (3in x 3ft4) (25no.) 30/35mm Natural Moso Bamboo Poles x 1 metre (1.3in x 3ft4) 6LJQLÀFDQWRIIFXWVRIYDULRXVGLDPHWHUVFDQEHSURYLGHGE\-DPHVDW%DPERR%LF\FOH&OXE New from UK Bamboo supplies Other: (3no.) Sheet mdf 9mm Hacksaws Drills Box of 200 screws Bamboo splitters Hand tool kit, including chisels, pliers, cutters etc. Rope (multicoloured) String Masking tape, gaffer tape Workshop Off Cuts Kits lantern-like paper cladding rope knot connections CNCed joint plates bamboo splitter bamboo splitter ply joints crafted joint plates