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Courteously Yours: Inducing courteous behavior ...

ryoma yoshimura
December 18, 2019

Courteously Yours: Inducing courteous behavior in Customer Care responses using Reinforced Pointer Generator Network


ryoma yoshimura

December 18, 2019

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  1. Courteously Yours:
 Inducing courteous behavior in Customer Care responses using

 Reinforced Pointer Generator Network
 Hitesh Golchha, Mauajama Firdaus, Asif Ekbal, Pushpak Bhattacharyya
 2019/12/18 論文読み会 
 紹介者: 吉村

  2. Introduction
 • Customer care 
 ◦ Essential tool used by

    companies in building stable customer relations.
 • What’s important
 ◦ Providing customer satisfaction by greeting, empathizing, apologizing at the right time.
 ◦ This build a strong relation with the customer and increase in customer retention.
 • They propose an effective framework 
 ◦ Inducing courteous behavior in customer care responses
 ◦ System adds courteous nature and emotional sense to the replies.

  3. Example of Courteous Responses
 • Creation of a high quality

    and a large conversational dataset
 ◦ Courteously Yours Customer Care Dataset (CYCCD) prepared from the actual conversations on Twitter. 
 • Proposal of a strong benchmark model 
 ◦ based on a context and emotionally aware reinforced pointer-generator approach 
 Main Contribusions

  4. Method
 Given the conversation history and the generic response,

 generate the courteous response. 

  5. Encoder, Decoder and Attention

    h*: context vector 
 s t : decoder state
 c: conversation vector 
 W, b: parameter

  6. Output distribution calculation

    h*: context vector 
 st: decoder state 
 c: conversation vector 
 W, b: parameter

  7. Model Traning
 Joint reinforcement learning
 self-critical policy gradient (Rennie et

    al., 2017)
 Reward: BLEU (m1), Emotional accuracy (m2) 
 Loss function
 x 1 , generic response
 x 2 , conversation history 
 y s sampling p(y t s |y 1 s..ys t-1 , x)
 y g by greedy search
 λ1 = 0.75, λ2 = 0.25 
 η= 0.99

  8. Dataset 
 • Customer Support on Twitter
 ◦ Over 3

    million tweets and replies from the biggest brands on Twitter
 • Preparing responses of generic style
 ◦ Remove courteous and non-informative sentences
 ▪ Ex: Sorry to hear about the trouble! ◦ Retain informative sentences
 ▪ Ex: Simply visit url name to see availability in that area! ◦ Transforme Informative sentences with courteous expressions to Informative and generic expressions
 ▪ Ex: We appreciate the feedback, we’ll pass this along to the appropriate team. 

  9. Process for data creation
 1. Sentence segmentaion
 2. Clustering

    K-Means Clustering to cluster these sentences. 3. Annotations 
 ◦ Three annotators proficient in the English language ◦ Annotate the sentences into the three categories
 4. Preparing generic responses
 ◦ Create data by the above operation

  10. Experiments
 • vocab size: 30k
 • hidden state: 256

    word embeddings: 128
 • optimize: AdaGrad with gradient clipping
 • batch size: 16

  11. Automatic Evaluation
 • BLEU, ROUGE, perplexity
 • Task Specific metrics

    ◦ Content preservation (CP)
 ▪ ROUGE-L recall 
 ◦ Emotional accuracy (CA)
 ▪ cosine similarity between the MojiTalk distributions X and Y 
 X: original generic response 
 Y: generated courteous response 
 LCS: longest common subsequence 
 Xe: original generic response 
 Ye: generated courteous response 

  12. Human evaluation
 • Randomly sample 500 responses
 • Three annotators

    • Fluency (F)
 ◦ 0: incorrect or incomplete
 ◦ 1: moderately correct
 ◦ 2: correct
 • Content Adequacy (CA)
 ◦ same as fluency
 • Courtesy Appropriateness (CoA)
 ◦ -1: inaapropriate
 ◦ 0: non-couteous
 ◦ 1 appropriate

  13. Error Analysis
 • Unknown Tokens
 ◦ Model 1 does not

    have the coping mechanism
 ◦ Incomplete sequences 
 • Wrong coping 
 ◦ being influenced by language model
 ◦ Gold: ..which store in gilingham did you visit?
 ◦ Predict ..which store in belgium did you visit?
 • Mistakes in emotion identification
 ◦ More prominent in Model 1 and 2 
 ◦ Gold: you’re very welcome, hope the kids have an amazing halloween ! 
 ◦ Predict: we apologize for the inconvenience. hope the kids have an 
 amazing halloween ! 

  14. Error Analysis
 • Extra information
 ◦ Model 1,2,3 sometimes generate

    extra informative sentences.
 ◦ Gold: please send us a dm
 ◦ Predict: please send us a dm please let us know if you did not 
 receive it 
 • Contextually wrong courteous phrases
 ◦ Gold: we want to help, reply by dm and ..
 ◦ Predict: im sorry you havent received it. please reply by dm and ..

  15. Conclusions
 • They propose a new research problem
 ◦ Inducing

    courteous behavior in customer care responses.
 • They create large benchmark corpus
 • Proposed framework
 ◦ Model the dialogue history and the past emotional states through emotional embeddings.
 • Automatic and Human evaluation
 • Qualitative and Quantitative analysis
 ◦ correct courteous behavior and content preservation, along with minor inaccuracies